Landowner Kills Dogs Killing chickens

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I too feel sorry for both sides.
I wasn't there, so I'll not defend nor condem the guy who shot the dogs. He was after all within his legal rights.

The point I would like to make is this:
The dogs had gotten out before.
As a former husky owner I can tell you they are notorious for digging out of or climbing fences.
After the first time the dogs got out the owners should have done all they could to keep them in.
They should have buried wire exactly like we do with our chicken runs to prevent dig outs.
By not preventing the dogs escape, the dog owners were breaking the law.

The blame clearly lies with the dog owners, and the dogs and chickens paid for their mistake with their lives.

Stupid people should not own animals.
I have always been and animal lover but if my pets are going on someone elses property then I need to do something about it. I have had to. I had to blue heelers we loved but they started visiting the neighbor and she started petting them and then call and say their down here again.. Well we didn't want to pen them or fence our whole yard so we gave them to a cattle rancher. On another note we have next door neighbors who have a german shepard that dug a hole under their fence came over to our yard and killed 9 chickens. They paid us for the chickens and their dog has never gotten out again. That was three years ago.
On another note, I woke one night to the sound of my chickens carrying on and their were to dogs that I didn't recognise as neighbor dogs throwing my chickens up in the air. I ran them off and the next nite i put the Recipe out. It was eaten then next morning and I never saw them again.
It can be very frustrating when you work hard and spend a lot of money on your chickens to see them killed on your property. My 80 yr old mother recently was heart sick when she went out to find her pens destroyed and 30 RIRs she had hatched and raised her self laying in piles. She went out the next morning with her Snake gun and she saw three huge dogs in the pens again. They growled at her and busted through the wire. She went back inside as she couldnt have reloaded fast enough to kill them if they decided to attack her. She lives on 15 acres with creek behind her house. She wants more chickens but is concerned that she can protect them from dogs large enough that they rip the wire of the pens.
Just last week in a comunity near us a young nine year old girl was attacked by 4 white english bulldogs. she lost her ears and they ripped the muscle out of her legs. Her legs were amputated. Two teenage boys saved her by beating the dogs back with a crutch and kicking them. It is so sad. The family is poor, She had to be airlifted out to a childrens Hosp. The owners of the dogs did not resist having the dogs euthanized. Very upsetting for all families involved. sorry I rambled so long.
Here's my 2 cents...literally!

1. The man who killed the dogs let the owners know...THAT was responsible and very commendable. (Someone posted on here...that most people would not fess up and the owners would worry for months and spend money over looking for the dogs.)

2. Good fences make GOOD neighbors. (I always make sure the chicken runs are secure and if any renovations need be done-do them. As well as my dog's just part of the deal.)

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"What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don't like it any more than you men. "

The guy should have known what might happen to his dogs if he continued to let them get out and run loose.
I feel sorry for both sides ... Its too late for those Dogs and those Chickens .. and its too late for that pair of Neighbors too but if you "Get to know your nieghbors" and "communicate" with them you can head off situations like this .... i'd have no problem killing anything especially if it were a predator, up until I knew that someone else cared for it as much as I cared for something dear to me, ... My mother used to say "if you dont consider someone else's feelings then dont you dare expect that consideration in return!"

and that works both ways .. I think most BYC'ers seem to understand this and im not pointing fingers or anything .. just wish stuff like this could be avoided whenever possible cause its a drag to go thru .. I had someone elses dogs kill my Dog a few years ago and while im a full grown man I dont think ill ever forgive myself for not being there for my girl

just my 2 cents

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I just recently lost my favorite hen and a pullet who had just started laying to my neighbors JRT. The dog came onto my property and killed my chickens, then drug one back to her owners house. I didn't see it happen, but the next day my nieghbor came down in tears, to tell me what happened. She had already buried my chicken, and chained her dog.

I was upset about my girls, but way less upset then if I had spent days looking for them, hoping they were just setting on nest somewhere. You can't blame Jack for doing what they were bred for, killing small critters, you can only blame the owner for not having thier dog under control.

My nieghbor blamed her self enough for both of us, which is exactly how I would have felt should the situation have been reversed. My dogs, my responsibilty.

How ever I do also believe in karma. I see a big difference between my nieghbors dog (who I know is not vicious), and some strange dog or pack of dogs I don't know anything about.

Sad all around...
What an interesting post …

From my point of view, I am indebted to several neighbors that have taken in my dogs when they escaped. No one expects their dogs to get loose, but things happen. Every time one of them escaped, I learn something new about the weak spots in the security of my yard. Each time, I appreciated the kindness of my neighbors in understanding that this can happen. And, I thanked them with fresh eggs. Even with the best plans, dogs are intellect and emotional beings that will occasionally test the systems in place to restrict their roaming.

It has been stressed many times on this forum that chicken farmers must have a secure yard and coop for their chickens. If someone can’t keep a loose, curious, domestic dog at bay, they have insufficient protect from real predators. I can’t believe this chicken owner in the story did nothing about security after two attacks on the chickens. The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result every time. The best offense is a strong defense or fence in this case.

And, as usual, I reject the thought that every predator needs to be shot. The tragedy noted in this news piece is a just another example of why it doesn’t make sense. There was no need to shot these dogs. From the info provided, it literally sounds like the dogs were executed at close range. There a countless ways to get a marauding dog to flee and even more ways to keep them out of the chicken coop.

This was an example of one person caring more about themselves than their neighbor. And, that’s a pitiful way to live. Having said that, I need to rethink my reaction to my neighbor’s dog when it runs loose; I guess maybe I should refrain from taking pot shots at it with my airsoft gun. Naaaa

Airsoft gun yes, but shot gun or equivalent, I agree with mtn man! Doesn't everyone say that their chickens need to be in a secure area? My chickens will wander in my small fenced in yard when I am present, if not they will be in the pen...I don't even trust my cat! This thread should be locked, it just makes many people emotional, hurting and angry from both sides.
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