Langshan Thread!!!

Pretty stoked about 2 of the chicks from this year. The white I'm iffy on, might wind up getting rid of it..haven't decided yet. The black is a keeper:



Nice big stretch!


Maybe the white will grow and surprise me. So far, I'm not liking him so much.
Oh yeah...definitely seeing possibilities with him. His second day out of the egg I sat and watched him thinking "This is gonna be a good one!" His height already was something to behold and he is posing great! The white...well...we'll have to see. The whites are going to be a long haul project to get their size and stance up to snuff, but I think with the help of this little black split we're gonna get off of the gravel road and onto some pavement.

Thank you for your kind words!
Congrats and welcome to the thread! I wish the Langshan had the following that the Marans does, each their own! I have found "my" breed and don't intend on getting anything else. Only the Langshans but in several different colors as well as sizes. I might eventually make a few of my own colors but at the moment, not enough room for what I have in mind! So, I'll stick with the 3 basic colors and expand later on.

What about you? What have you been working on?
Ropo, thanx for the invite. I've got 13 breeds and I'm dedicated to my Langshans, Wheaten Marans (Cottage Hill line), Welsummers, and La Fleche the most. I don't want to spoil the surprise of my two new colors of Langshans just quite yet. But I guarantee it will blow some minds when I'm done. I'll only let a select few see and get them first before I release them to the public. I've been working on a new Welsummer color that's gonna be a shocker too and I'm very close to finishing it up. Maybe another year for that one. When you see that one, you'll know one of the new Langshan colors
The tall one, for the time being, is gonna keep his butt under lock and key!
Depending on how well the white cockerels grow out...I'll definitely have some birds up for grabs. If they have obvious DQs though I will eat them. I don't want "bad" birds out being advertised as Beauford stock. Just seems wrong to me. He made sure to only release good birds for breeding and I'm gonna do my darndest to follow his lead.

I saw Clyde (the half-blind cock) breed his hens! Also put a hen in that he immediately bred! He seems to be majorly interested in the whites, so that's what he's gonna be breeding. Doesn't look like the "normal" hens are turning his head anymore. *sigh*

I just put 15 eggs into the incubator...really hoping for an excellent hatch! I've got 7 eggs scheduled to hatch this Sunday so hopefully something will pop out of there too!

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