Langshan Thread!!!

I like the width on the male to the right, however I am a big fan of the wing carriage of the male on the left. The male on the right, since he has such a large width of tail, maybe pair him with some hens that lack in the tail width department? I'm not used to seeing tails completed at so early an age! It throws me off alot to see them!
The male on the left looks to have a good topline if he would stand correctly, otherwise I would think his tail is a bit low. His bottom line looks excellent, nice and even with a good rounded breast. I think I see where the right male could have a tail that's too high if he's standing up straight.

Again, just my opinion!! The one on the right has too low of a tail while the one on the left has too high of a tail. The one on the left has a good underline but again, this could just be how they are standing.

I don't really care that much about my other breeds at this point. I think I'm going to get rid of everything except my Langshans and the wife's colorful egg layers.
LOL! That's what I said about my bantam Speckled I feel as though I'm on a mission with them as well! I got the Speckled Sussex so I would stop ripping my Langshans apart for their faults. Then I started ripping them both apart so I got some bantam Cochins. I have Wheaten Cochins. :(

His head is ok. Comb size is good, but I'd like to see a bigger more masculine skull overall

I like this male. Good tight feathering, no peacock tail. Maybe a bit more feather width would be nice. He's got a good solid body. Appears to have nice thick strong legs.

This bird is a lot slighter built than the other one, which I don't like. He does appear to have better feather width. He looks completely different in photos 2 & 3 regarding his back line. If it looks like 2 I like it, if it looks like 3 I don't like it at all. Although I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more tail on pic #2...the more I look, I think that those two are different birds and I'm confused because I thought you only put one bird per post.

I don't really care that much about my other breeds at this point. I think I'm going to get rid of everything except my Langshans and the wife's colorful egg layers.

I should add, in the top picture #2 is on the left, and in the bottom #1 is on the left.

These pictures make it really obvious to me that the bird on right in top photo is clearly the superior bird. Width is very important in the Langshan.
Thank you for those evaluations RoPo and BGMatt. I know its difficult to judge a chicken off a photo, but after reading the comments with the first hand knowledge I have of the birds, your observations were particularly helpful to me. I was leaning toward the bird featured in the first post as well. I never noticed the wing carriage issue before. I will go out and this weekend when I can see him in the daylight and take a closer look. Thanks again.
PetRock I haven't forgotten about the updated picture of the AZ cock. The days are so short.

Were you wanting evals on your pullets? If so, I'm gonna stand back and watch for a bit! Please everyone that feels led to or even wants to try, go ahead and let's see what you would like to see and what you would like to see different on Matt's birds.
I'd love it if folks have comments.
I would love it if I knew enough to be able to comment. They look beautiful to me! It helps me so much to see all of your comments on the different birds. It takes me forever to decide on my own birds and I have them to look at in real life. I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone else has to say.
Sharing some new pullets I picked up over the weekend, these come from Sherry P out of CA. If I recall correctly she said they're about 7 months old. Cockerel is being a jerk and won't let me get a photo. LOL

I will say in comparison to my pullets, yours have a better tail angle and spread. Would love to see additional pics of them to help with my own eye training.
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There ya go! Excellent! What else do you see PetRock? Anyone else have anything?
Okay! I'll give it another try. It may just be the photos or angle of the shot but pullet 2 looks to have more narrow feathers in her tail. It also looks like she does not have as broad a tail spread as the other two but again that may be the angle of the shot. Also, could they use a little more depth in their chest in order to have that upside down bowler hat profile? Will they have a chance of developing this as they mature? I can't really tell how wide bodies are on the first 2 but the 3rd one looks like she has a wide body based on she is standing. I may be way off on these observations but I want to learn and that means daring to be wrong!

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