Late January Hatch?


Our 2nd chick hatched!!! This is the inside of the shell. Is that normal or should I be concerned?

Can't really see but mine had some dark green dried stuff and black stuff I think was from their feathers. Is your silkie chirping at all? I had one of mine have a thicker shell and struggle a little, but once the others hatched they knocked it around enough to "help." I hope your silkie babies keep pushing through and hatch for you soon!
Can't really see but mine had some dark green dried stuff and black stuff I think was from their feathers. Is your silkie chirping at all? I had one of mine have a thicker shell and struggle a little, but once the others hatched they knocked it around enough to "help." I hope your silkie babies keep pushing through and hatch for you soon!
It is kind of a green/grey/yellowish thing sort of looks like the yolk of a hard boiled egg. Chick seems to be doing great so I guess it was just normal gunk lol. My silkie isn't really doing anything. I can't hear any chirping over the 2 babies that have hatched lol. Anytime I tap at the glass they chirp away. It is really cute. I am planning on leaving them in there until at least tomorrow morning. Having them in there will help the others hatch out so I don't want to take them out too soon, but I don't want them starving in there either lol. Tomorrow would be 24 hours for both of them basically.
It is kind of a green/grey/yellowish thing sort of looks like the yolk of a hard boiled egg.  Chick seems to be doing great so I guess it was just normal gunk lol.  My silkie isn't really doing anything.  I can't hear any chirping over the 2 babies that have hatched lol.  Anytime I tap at the glass they chirp away.  It is really cute.  I am planning on leaving them in there until at least tomorrow morning.  Having them in there will help the others hatch out so I don't want to take them out too soon, but I don't want them starving in there either lol.  Tomorrow would be 24 hours for both of them basically.

You can leave them a little longer than 24 hours if necessary :) and the gunk could just be poop from when it was hatching! And leftover umbilical residue. From what I've read anyway!
You can leave them a little longer than 24 hours if necessary
and the gunk could just be poop from when it was hatching! And leftover umbilical residue. From what I've read anyway!
I think you are right. They have since moved the other chicks shell around and there is gunk in there too. So I guess it is normal. There are so many pips in there but no more babies yet. I won't help them because I don't feel comfortable doing it and I don't want to open the incubator to get them out. The humidity was super high so I pulled the 2 looking windows up real quick and wiped the condensation off of them. It was getting pretty bad and I think the small amount of ventilation will hopefully drop the humidity a bit. They were open like 2 seconds total. I think opening it for some ventilation won't hurt anything as the humidity is way high. once those 2 hatched it went up to 90%. I don't want anyone drowning.
I think you are right.  They have since moved the other chicks shell around and there is gunk in there too.  So I guess it is normal.  There are so many pips in there but no more babies yet.  I won't help them because I don't feel comfortable doing it and I don't want to open the incubator to get them out.  The humidity was super high so I pulled the 2 looking windows up real quick and wiped the condensation off of them.  It was getting pretty bad and I think the small amount of ventilation will hopefully drop the humidity a bit.  They were open like 2 seconds total.  I think opening it for some ventilation won't hurt anything as the humidity is way high.  once those 2 hatched it went up to 90%.  I don't want anyone drowning.

That definitely sounds like your humidity is too high! Are the hatched chicks fluffing up? I'd keep ventilation open for sure, as far as I know it's not supposed to be reduced even during lockdown because of how important oxygen is to be new chicks. But I suppose your mileage may vary! I had to help out both of my chicks because the bator was opened to help my girl who had been pipped for well over 24 hours (just dampened her membranes a bit and removed a part of the shell she had been bashing her beak against for 16 hours!) and she unzipped and was out in about 2 hours. Her membranes were brown though. Then I had another previously thought unviable egg that was 3/4 of the way through the zip process at that point (of helping) that then got stuck for 12 hours... Shrink wrapped in less than 30 seconds. :( so I helped her finishing zipping and she kicked her way out in about 15-20 minutes. She was also malpositioned and had zipped around the middle of the egg instead of the top!
Day 22/23 and only two pips from yesterday still working... thought one died for a bit as it went quiet and it was hard to see movement. Looks like I'm in for a pretty dismal hatch rate. One of the three that hatched on time has a curled foot and is a rooster. So far I'm on pace for 2 pullets out of 27 eggs...

I've ordered a thermocontroller to retrofit the hovabator for use on the next batch, hopefully more stable temps make for a more successful attempt #2.

You're lucky! 10 out of 12 hatched, and looks to be all boys for me! Again!!
That definitely sounds like your humidity is too high! Are the hatched chicks fluffing up? I'd keep ventilation open for sure, as far as I know it's not supposed to be reduced even during lockdown because of how important oxygen is to be new chicks. But I suppose your mileage may vary! I had to help out both of my chicks because the bator was opened to help my girl who had been pipped for well over 24 hours (just dampened her membranes a bit and removed a part of the shell she had been bashing her beak against for 16 hours!) and she unzipped and was out in about 2 hours. Her membranes were brown though. Then I had another previously thought unviable egg that was 3/4 of the way through the zip process at that point (of helping) that then got stuck for 12 hours... Shrink wrapped in less than 30 seconds. :( so I helped her finishing zipping and she kicked her way out in about 15-20 minutes. She was also malpositioned and had zipped around the middle of the egg instead of the top!

The hatched babies are starting to dry off but it's taking them a while. The vent holes are open but the humidity is way high. I know it gets higher once chicks start hatching but is it a good idea to crack the lid a tad for more ventilation? And to reduce humidity? What is too high? Should I open some of the smaller holes a little more? Could always tape over them next hatch.
The hatched babies are starting to dry off but it's taking them a while. The vent holes are open but the humidity is way high. I know it gets higher once chicks start hatching but is it a good idea to crack the lid a tad for more ventilation? And to reduce humidity? What is too high? Should I open some of the smaller holes a little more? Could always tape over them next hatch.

I tried not to let mine go over 80% when chicks were hatching and maintained between 65-70% when they weren't. Just because they can catch a chill. :)
Can you hear them pip while in the incubator?

I can hear them talking but it's hard to tell who it's who with 3 babies in there now lol.

Deb I want it lower but it's not cooperating lol. I am at around 80 with 3 chicks in there so I guess I'm not doing too bad.

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