Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

So do hens only carry one copy of red/gold like they do silver? I read about trying to breed out the red in another breed I have and it was a nearly impossible task since it is not really sex linked....that is the way I understood it.

That red is autosomal red and is not sex linked . It is the dark red area found only on the shoulder area of roosters . It is a real pain to get rid of in the silver color . Hens can be carriers and not show it . They can not show it .
Quote: OK.... not sex linked but SEXABLE by color but not at hatch. That was one of the first things I learned to sex cockerels with when I started. I knew when I saw those red on the wings they were cockerels. Yes it is a PAIN to get that red out of a mixed bird. You have to have a PURE Silver cockerel to really improve them. It shows in the pullets if know what to look for. Once you see a SILVER version the mixed looks wrong.

Any thoughts on these Lavenders? I am totally new to this breed. These are my first. Only about 7 months old now. The too just started crowning. They are so sweet and I think they are pretty! I was considering breeding them. do you seasoned breeders see any reason I shouldn't breed? Any flaws stand out?


Any thoughts on these Lavenders? I am totally new to this breed. These are my first. Only about 7 months old now. The too just started crowning. They are so sweet and I think they are pretty! I was considering breeding them. do you seasoned breeders see any reason I shouldn't breed? Any flaws stand out?

Your hen is gorgeous! I am also curious about your male. My Lavender roo looks similar to yours for the tail feathers. He just does not seem as filled out as my other AM roos. Maybe it has something to do with them feathering slower? Maybe I should post pictures as well.
Yes. I think he will fill out more. The breeder ingot them from has amazing stock and the males are all fuller than mine. So I'm guessing he will fill out in he next few months.
Thanks for the input !
Any thoughts on these Lavenders? I am totally new to this breed. These are my first. Only about 7 months old now. The too just started crowning. They are so sweet and I think they are pretty! I was considering breeding them. do you seasoned breeders see any reason I shouldn't breed? Any flaws stand out? Thanks!
I am not a breeder but have been studying them a lot. They have great feathering quality for LAVs and you'll know more of their confirmation when they get a little older. They're both gorgeous!
I am looking for 4-6 really good black ameraucanas, straight run chicks or preferably a cockerel & 2 pullets. I'm looking for really good stock. Nys I am willing to ship if you are but close to Ithaca or Binghamton and I will pick up :) sometime this spring? Late April or later- message me with any leads please!
I just had my first hatch ever and got four new lav chicks and a black split. (We only set 7 eggs and got five not too bad).




Please excuse the dirty paper towels. I had two more chicks hatch than expected so they'll be getting a bigger brooder soon and didn't want to wake them up to change it before the picture.

Just set these today:

Here's to the start of my lav breeding program. :)

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