Lavender Ameraucanas , Which cockerel should I keep??

I have to say that Americaunas are my absolute favorite chicken! Since they are not very aggressive chickens it would be hard for me to pick which one to keep. I usually watch how they interact with the girls. I also look at which one shows the best features( best true americauna features). I did have one that crowed all night and he had to go. Good luck with your decision!
By the way.......those boys are gorgeous! I am so jealous right now. I have never had any that pretty!
Thank you, they were hatched Feb 14 of this year so still have alot of growing to do. They are very calm and not aggressive sooo maybe keep both LOL
If you plan on breeding it may be a good idea to keep both - if you loose a roo or he turns out to be infertile you may be out of luck for the entire year. That way if one turns out to be physically inadequate or temperamentally unsound, you still have another to rely on.

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