Lavender cuckoo easter egger

that's wonderful.. I'm so glad to see so many lavender cuckoos. I'm hoping my next generation crossing my lavs with Jerryse's offspring will result in some for myself!
Got some new pics of my roo today before they escaped the coop. I have a few eggs saved up, really debating on setting a few. My lav and split Ameraucanas that lay the bluer eggs are both broody again, so I just have the projects and the eggs are a bit on the grey side at this point.
He does have a little bit of fluff at the tail base, but overall type is pretty good for this early on, I think. His legs are definitely not slate, but they have a silver tint to them.

He's beautiful!! you can always send those eggs to me if you're unsure what to do with them
How have I've missed this thread?
I'm always looking to see new colors on EE's
That is one beautiful roo.
Any offspring from him yet? If so, pictures please.
Looks cuckoo with something else going on.Possibly silver.While the parents did not show this it has shown up before.I will try to add a pic of a cockerel from a year or two ago.I felt it was leakage picked up from the lavs.

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