Lavender Marans

We have been working on this breed for 2 years and are producing some really nice birds. The egg color has been coming along quite nicely but we started with some of Bruce Hambrick's birds and have been crossing them to my best Wade Jeane Black Copper roos/hens. With each successive generation we are getting at least 2 shades darker....not bad! :)

I want some of those!
Mine are just coming into lay. I should have eggs running out my ears soon. Got to keep crossing them to black copper to keep that color.
I am really interested in some Lav Marans eggs. Does anyone have any right now? My DH wants some birds that will lay super dark brown eggs and I'm trying to make that happen for him. Thanks!!!

I am really interested in some Lav Marans eggs. Does anyone have any right now? My DH wants some birds that will lay super dark brown eggs and I'm trying to make that happen for him. Thanks!!!


  • chickenlady3 above has them for $50 a chick, which I can't afford. I'm looking for eggs, too, but chances are I won't be able to afford those either LOL.
  • chickenlady3 above has them for $50 a chick, which I can't afford. I'm looking for eggs, too, but chances are I won't be able to afford those either LOL.

Ya, spend little buggers! I think I may try with the eggs first, or maybe try and talk the DH into getting chicks.

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