Lavender Orpington project ....

Dang, I still have the hardest time sexing these Lavender project birds! These are all around 4 months old. Can you sex them?







This is da daddy. I so hope he didn't pass on that tail.
He really has great size, but the tail angle is awful. He carries his wings much better than the photo, as it is 104* here, and he is hot. He is from 5th generation from hinkjc.


I do have some nice blacks growing out that are easier to sex. I crossed him with a couple of my big black Imported English Orps. I need to get some pictures of them.
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I'll tale a stab at it!

#1 is a rooster, #2,3,4 look like pullets to me, #5 I see rooster screaming at me and #6 is a pullet. Let me know who crows and/or lays an egg! lol I have 3 month olds I keep looking at everyday trying to figure out!!!!
Here is a picture of my 2 lavender orpingtons, I got them from a friend who knew I wanted a lavender orpington and got them from a friends farm she was visiting. They are approximately 6-9 weeks old this week. The smaller one is so much darker and has really pink feet whereas the bigger one is lighter and has white feet. The smaller darker one, we call "minnie" has a beak that is half white tip and half black tip. As far as breed standard and gender what am I looking for ? Is one more of the accepted standard than the other? I think they are beautiful birds but I don't really know much about their breed. Any information would be greatly appreciated!



Pearl ( lighter in color and bigger) and Minnie ( darker and smaller)

I have a lavender Orp chick. It is a month old and small. I mean about 1/2 the size of the other Orp chicks that came from the same lady. It is also very naked. Only about an inch of wing growth. Anyone have any ideas if she will catch up? She was hatched from Pheatherz eggs.
I have had some like that- naked for the longest time!! They have always ended up to be cockerels.

I'm wondering how many of you working on improving the Lavs have run into VERY melanistic Lavs? Some of the blacks I've added lately appear to have given me gypsy-faced, black-legged Lavs. The feet are still white underneath and the lav coloring is just a bit darker, but it is poignant.

What have you all experienced with this?
I have had some Lav Mottled feather in like that and when the juvie feathers molt out the white wing feathers are back to normal Lav with a white tip. This is also common on Mottled Cochins.

The three chicks that looked mottled appear to be feathering in white- what does everyone think at 12 days old? Thanks!

That looks like a white chick. Is it possible a White breed egg was included by accident? or do you have White birds in your flocks background? Your photo looks like a pure white. There has been some white sports in Buff Orps of late. I would contact whomever you got your eggs from and ask questions. You may have a valuable bird or just Sunday dinner.

ETA: It is definetly not a mottled.
If it remains 1/2 the size of the others, do not cull. It would make a good start for a Lav Orp Bantam. You could mate to a Black Orp Bantam and continue to cull for size, type and color. However, if it seems unhealthy, culling may be no option.

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