Lavender Orpington project ....

New to the breeding world, we have 2 lav orp roos and 7 hens, but we have a black cochin hen, what happens if you cross the black cochin with a lav roo? I am so curious!
You would get Splits. Black but split to Lav. The foot feathering would also be less. You would then breed the Splits to each other and get 525% Lav, 50% Split and 25% Black. Breed this generation of Lav back to a good Black Cochin and each generation you improve type.
Pardon me for jumping in, but I need some advice from some Lav. Orp. experts. I had Lavenderorpgirl hatch some beautiful chicks for me this week, and just brought them home. I have 13 and am keeping 4 pullets, and 1 roo. I tried the wing sexing, and did see a difference, so I am hoping it worked
. The rest are going to good homes. Before I send them off I need to pick mine. I want the best of course, so is there something in particular I should look for in deciding? They are HinkJC, self blue 6th gen. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
I am no expert, but I think you would need to wait until they got a good bit older to pick the best ones... what I have generally heard is to wait until about 6 months ... There is not as much to evaluate on chicks that young. However, I will say that if you have 6th generation birds from the hink line, I would guess that they will all be fabulous ...
Could someone explain wing sexing to me? and Side Sprigs?

Here's a pic of some of my juveniles

And I finally got a decent pic of this one:
You can see his white head, legs and lacing on his wings. Is this what you call mottled??

We hatched out 4 Self Blue (Lavender) Orpingtons this morning! 50% Cecil Moore bloodline! Hoping for good type on them! Have 2 more eggs pipped.

The tote brooder is full of Black and Buff Orpingtons as well!

We seem to be getting a 75%+ Self Blue to Black/Split hatching. Just one Black chick hatched from our Split eggs. Toe punched everything so we can tell which is which later. Will post photos ASAP.
Could someone explain wing sexing to me? and Side Sprigs?

Here's a pic of some of my juveniles

And I finally got a decent pic of this one:
You can see his white head, legs and lacing on his wings. Is this what you call mottled??
His legs appear to be white as well, yes I would say he is carrying the mottling gene. As he matures you won't be able to tell him apart too much from the others as the mottling starts to blend into the lavender coloring other than he will have white legs and the others will have slate.
Wing (feather) sexing is only possible if you breed for it. You have to breed fast feathering to slow feathering, which will produce the fast or slow feathering offspring on the opposite sex. For example, if you breed a fast feathering roo to slow feathering hens, the female chicks would be fast feathering and the males would be slow feathering. I did not select for this in developing our lavender Orpington, so it is unlikely this would be very a effective way to sex them unless the person you got them from selected their breeders in order to match them up this way. Typically you can tell your cockerels from pullets pretty well by 6-8 weeks old.

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