Lavender Orpington Thread

Chick 3 again to show the face
We look at wing feather in. The roos have consistently had smaller wings than the.girls look at difference at one week

Do you do this at one week or some other time? We tried feather sexing as day olds and it was not accurate. I'm not sure if we needed to wait longer or not. Everything I've read about Orpingtons makes me think the only for sure way is through vent sexing though, and we have not been able to master that....Im way too scared of hurting them.
I think there is a couple pics of our pair. At the June ish postings at our Fab page. Should be a couple days old pic and then at about 4weeks
I know the one we hatched is a male, very thick legs, stubby wing feathering carries very upright. Already really spoiled, and barely any tail feathering.

Were hatching 10 more, so I'll have to make sure I get new pics
I locked down 14 lavender orpingtons this morning. Looking at all the beauties on this thread, I think I chose well. Wish me luck that they all hatch!!
I think there is a couple pics of our pair. At the June ish postings at our Fab page. Should be a couple days old pic and then at about 4weeks
I know the one we hatched is a male, very thick legs, stubby wing feathering carries very upright. Already really spoiled, and barely any tail feathering.

Were hatching 10 more, so I'll have to make sure I get new pics

Where can I find your pics? I'm curious to see how they grew!
Orphielover31 your chicks are beautiful! I am partial to one of my buff orphington Mary Anne. She 8s darling. Someday, when my coop is finished I want to expand my flock. I would love to have a couple of those....someday, when my coop is finished! Lol.
Well, I had a pretty successful hatch. 10 of 14. 9 lavender, 1 black. One died about halfway through zipping, one quit around day 19ish, and the other 2 never pipped. Of those 2, one had completely absorbed the yolk, and the other had about half absorbed, so very, very late quitters. I'm not sure why they didn't finish.

One little booger kept scratching its own neck, so I taped up her feet for a day, until she quit. Still having some issues with this one, so I hope she makes it.

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