Lavender Orpington Thread

Orphielover31 your chicks are beautiful! I am partial to one of my buff orphington Mary Anne. She 8s darling. Someday, when my coop is finished I want to expand my flock. I would love to have a couple of those....someday, when my coop is finished! Lol.

Coop.... finished.... isn't that what they call an oxymoron? LOL

All in all I think it's a success! Good luck to you and your new babies. Cute cute Cute!

Duckchick- your babies are SO gorgeous. They stay gorgeous too.

Thank you so much. I'm pretty much in love with them
Well, I had a pretty successful hatch. 10 of 14. 9 lavender, 1 black. One died about halfway through zipping, one quit around day 19ish, and the other 2 never pipped. Of those 2, one had completely absorbed the yolk, and the other had about half absorbed, so very, very late quitters. I'm not sure why they didn't finish. One little booger kept scratching its own neck, so I taped up her feet for a day, until she quit. Still having some issues with this one, so I hope she makes it.
how beautiful! Congratulations!
My peepers are 3 weeks old now! One is much bigger than the other two and is starting to grow a gray comb (weird?), has thicker legs, and stands much more erect than the others too. I'm thinking roo. The other two are pretty similar to each other, skinny little legs, minimal combs, and they follow the big one around.

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