Lavender Orpington Thread


I just had these two hatch yesterday. :)
I got two Lavender Orps from a breeder about 2 months ago, they were about 10 weeks old at the time. They are extremely skittish. I also bought some Marans and they are a lot less skittish than the Orps (got them from the same place and same time).

My question is, is this a characteristic of the breed (or the particular breeding), or is it because I got them at 10 weeks old? The one Maran loved us from the day she got here.
Mine are between 15-16 weeks old, and I hatched them. They are still alot more skittish than any of my others. I have golden comets that follow me around like puppies. A couple of the LOs are not as skittish... 3 cockerels and 7 hens, the males have been nicer, but they are maturing now (hilarious learning to crow!) and have gotten a bit more standoffish, but just a couple of the girls are friendly.
I'd like to know others experience too.
I got Lav orp that was 7 weeks?, I put her in with a frizzle that was lonely, they were both shy at first then they both became the most friendly. the LO ended up being much bigger. They act like one chicken.

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