Lavender Orpington Thread

Our first LO's are here :jumpy :weee Of 16 shipped, 3 made it to lock down. Two hatched yesterday and one DIS. First hatch had gotten its leg stuck to shell. After I freed it I noticed curled toes:( Hence the booty on one. Putting more LO and some Jubilee's in the bator tonight:fl
Ash so so cute!
Our boy just keeps getting bigger and bigger. He's about 20 weeks old now. No crowing yet but he's number 4 of 4 roosters. What's funny is that he still isn't really interested in the girls. Rooster #3, a good looking Welsummer lad will have a go at one of the girls if one should wander away from the main flock and has learned to 'work fast' before the Roosters #1 and 2 get wind of what's going on and bring an end to the hanky panky. I'm hoping Larry Bird will get his act together. Those adorable chicks make me hanker for spring and broody BO hens with hopefully our LO daddy to some of them. I don't mind them being crosses, I'm just wanting some uniquely colored birds in our flock.

Just out of curiosity has anyone crossed a LO with a Speckled Sussex?
Do LO's sometimes lay dark colored eggs?? I received a shipment with two extras and they are much darker than the others.
Cream to brown normally. Not dark brown.

Thank you. They aren't dark brown so I won't worry anymore
Question! My lav orp girl just started laying this week (Yay!) and she's about 30 weeks old. Her first two eggs (yesterday and the day before) look and feel normal except for some Grey spots on them. They look mottled. Her egg today looks normal, a little darker than the other two and no spots. What would cause that? Here's a picture of the mottled eggs, and all 3 together.

All three, today's on the right
Lydia is lovely!

My LOs haven't laid yet at 26 weeks either, but I got my first egg from my bantam cochin today. She's 19 weeks! Good thing these LOs are so beautiful! Lol

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