Lavender Orpington Thread

Hi! New to LO's too. It was only mildly affordable for me to order one from a feed store out of a hatchery. She is really, really light in color, closer to white, wigh a few dark feathers throughout. Will she darken? Here are pics!
Hi! I recently got some Orpington chicks. 2 buff 2 black and 2 lavender. All are doing well but my two lavender ones seem to have weepy eyes. Other then the eyes they seem just fine. Has anyone else have this happen? Also what do you think on the sex? I'm thinking one hen and one rooster.

Here is a better picture of the one I think is hen

Here are my Lavender Cuckoos. Almost three months old. I have 4 pullets and a cockerel, plus a younger pullet about 6 or 7 weeks old.
Here are my lavender chicks, they are almost 5 weeks old.
They have verry messy ratty fethers, the tails are sooper fuzzy...been reading that the lavender gene can do this?




Those are pretty I saw some in the Meyer hatchery catalog but instead got RIR at a feed store but one day I'm getting some LAVENDER ORPINGTONS
Cuddles. The BEST chicken in the world to me.
April 23, 2014 - May 14, 2016
She died in my arms a few moments ago. Sadness beyond words....

Cuddles not only responded to her name, but she was trained to do several tricks. She was trained to peck at certain targets & would "talk" to an audience by pecking at the chosen words. She also played her part in the "physic chicken" magic trick. Besides all that, she was my friend & beloved pet. I have other lav orps, but none like Cuddles.

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