Lavender Orpington Thread

I posted a separate thread, but wanted the opinion of those of you with the LOs.

11 weeks old.
comb is starting to turn red now. Wattles have been pinkish for a while now. Neither seems to be getting bigger.

@heatherfeather7 I'm leaning male also. I have some around 4 weeks old also. I'll have to get some fresh pics, but they look a little ragged too.

@gimmie birdies that's a cutie!

@TLWR definitely leaning male on yours at 11 weeks. My girls didn't get much pink until they were almost ready to lay, around 22 weeks, if I remember right. But I think my boys started crowing around 11-12 weeks, so you may know really soon!
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@TLWR definitely leaning male on yours at 11 weeks. My girls didn't get much pink until they were almost ready to lay, around 22 weeks, if I remember right. But I think my boys started crowing around 11-12 weeks, so you may know really soon!

Who knew I'd be happy to hear a crow soon to put this to bed. I tell him/her each morning to crow already if he's going to so I know!!

My little cochin started trying to crow 2 weeks ago. I can try to keep a rooster, but I can't keep 2 as there are only 3 girls in the chicken flock. Of the 2, the LO acts much more roosterish
Who knew I'd be happy to hear a crow soon to put this to bed. I tell him/her each morning to crow already if he's going to so I know!!

My little cochin started trying to crow 2 weeks ago. I can try to keep a rooster, but I can't keep 2 as there are only 3 girls in the chicken flock. Of the 2, the LO acts much more roosterish

I have bantam cochins and my rooster is all boy! My LO boys are huge wussies. :gig
Hi guys I don't have lavender orpington but I do have splash roo one blue orp hen but I don't know wether this other one is black or not because she looks black from a distance but she has blue lacing but she is really dark please help me. I am hoping to breed them but I was wondering will I get any lavenders from the trio I am also wondering are they looking alright for that age they are six months old next week the rooster has started crawling last two days and mounting the hens. the hens have just started getting red combs but still no eggs

Hi guys I don't have lavender orpington but I do have splash roo one blue orp hen but I don't know wether this other one is black or not because she looks black from a distance but she has blue lacing but she is really dark please help me. I am hoping to breed them but I was wondering will I get any lavenders from the trio I am also wondering are they looking alright for that age they are six months old next week the rooster has started crawling last two days and mounting the hens. the hens have just started getting red combs but still no eggs

She is blue, and beautiful! You won't get any lavender out of them, as lavender is a separate gene.
This chart might help you figure out what you can get, and show you what you need to get lavender.
Black x Splash yields all blue. Blue x Splash yields 50/50 blue/splash

She is blue, and beautiful! You won't get any lavender out of them, as lavender is a separate gene. This chart might help you figure out what you can get, and show you what you need to get lavender. Black x Splash yields all blue. Blue x Splash yields 50/50 blue/splash
So both of my hens are blue sucks I can't get any lavs I love them so much there nun was a lav though so I don't know what will happen thanks for the reply and the chart was great thanks

My chick "Mojave" she is 1/4 LO, and 1/4 blue isbar, and both her grandpas were black chickens, so 1/4 Australorp and 1/4 dark brahma. she is coming in a nice lavender under tones in her color though. I am sure the yellow puff will go away.
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Here's an update on our little Sebright & family. If you're like me & read that this breed rarely goes broody, you'll be happy to know that when they do, they're great little moms. When I finally gave in to her persistent broodiness, I gave her some orp eggs since she was too small to be fertilized by our giant English Orp roo,

I'm reposting below to show the progression.

Happy mama with 2 day old chicks

1 week old chicks going for a walk with mama. The 2nd black one looked like an extra male, so we rehomed him.

3.5 week old chicks getting bedtime snuggles.

Confused mama trying to cover her giant 4 week old chicks

5 week old chicks surpassed mama in size, but she still mothered them 24/7.

At 7 weeks, our Sebright (Trouble) began laying again & spent more time away from her babies.
The chicks turned 10 weeks old today. Here's the tiny mama with her giant chicks.

Trouble has also resumed to doing her regular tricks for treats, so all is good again.
Here she is today flying up to my daughter's arm when called. Thankfully, the giant chicks were never trained to do this. LOL

Here are some additional pics of Trouble's little boy. I think we're going to keep him if he continues to get along with his dad.
Does he look like a quality keeper male? (He's at that awkward adolescent leggy age, but his comb is straight & free of sprigs.) He's also crowing. Sounds pathetic, but not bad for a 10 wk old.

He's in the middle of 2 hens.

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