Lavender Orpington Thread

Lavender does work differently. It actually works in a similar fashion as breeding splash to you shouldn't have a "splash Lavender" but I was just wondering if having a bird with a few dark feathers ever happens. I sure hope she isn't a splash Blue Orpington. I do t breed those and I have zero use for her. I paid $55 for her and if she's a splash Blue Orpington I'll probably sell her for $20.

Sure looks splashy to me also. Has she molted? Can you wait for a molt and see what happens? I've never seen one with dark splotches either.
Sure looks splashy to me also. Has she molted? Can you wait for a molt and see what happens? I've never seen one with dark splotches either.

I contacted the breeder and he confirmed that he had Blue Orpingtons as well as Lavenders. He traded me a younger but correct looking pullet. Luckily I was a bit on the fence before on whether I should get 3 or 4 so the three that are getting close to point of lay are at least the number I had originally wanted. This new girl might still be laying by spring and that's what matters most. Hopefully she will integrate well enough with the flock when her time comes. I hate to add only one bird but the last ones were added in so seamlessly that maybe these birds won't be too bad.
I contacted the breeder and he confirmed that he had Blue Orpingtons as well as Lavenders. He traded me a younger but correct looking pullet. Luckily I was a bit on the fence before on whether I should get 3 or 4 so the three that are getting close to point of lay are at least the number I had originally wanted. This new girl might still be laying by spring and that's what matters most. Hopefully she will integrate well enough with the flock when her time comes. I hate to add only one bird but the last ones were added in so seamlessly that maybe these birds won't be too bad.

Sounds like a stand-up breeder. Good deal. Good luck with the integration!
Hello everyone. This spring I'm looking to expand my flock into heritage birds and the lavender Orpington is one breed I'm considering. Are you allowed to show them in poultry shows? And what is their temperament?
Hello everyone. This spring I'm looking to expand my flock into heritage birds and the lavender Orpington is one breed I'm considering. Are you allowed to show them in poultry shows? And what is their temperament?
I don't know about showing but orp temperaments are amazing. Big docile friendly birds! Just bend down & scoop one up. (Or, sit in the grass & have them pile up on your legs. LOL) Even the roos are good around kids. (Our roos anyway) Every time I hatched extra chicks & put an ad on craigslist, we sold out of lavs in less than 2 days. IMO the blacks are a little prettier, but the lavs are in more demand. They are simply beautiful, impressive-looking birds. They're generally quiet, come running when called, and easily confined with a short fence - too big to fly.

Cons - Orps like to eat. They do not have a good feed conversion, & it may take 8 months to see those 1st eggs. They can be sensitive to changes in the flock, coop, weather, etc. which can cause a decrease in eggs.
Get a new roo = drop in production
rehome a mean hen = drop in production
fellow hen goes broody = drop in production
too hot outside = drop in production
I think you see what I mean.
Even with all the "cons" the big fluffy English Orpingtons are still my favorite breed.

blk/lav split roo

young pullet

Cuddles was my fav chicken of all time!
She knew several tricks & enjoyed performing for treats. She was also a big lap chicken!
RIP my dear, sweet Cuddles.
Can Lavender Orpingtons win BOB at poultry hows? Does anyone have a good wxample of what a good quality lavender orpington should look like? Im having a hard time finding this information /B]
Can Lavender Orpingtons win BOB at poultry hows? Does anyone have a good wxample of what a good quality lavender orpington should look like? Im having a hard time finding this information /B]
I think they are not in the standard yet . So if that is so then best of variety or best AOV = any other variety is as high as they can place . Body type is the same as any Orpington . Color is the only difference .
Stella @ 23 weeks old. From Meyer Hatchery - I thought we would loose her during the first 3 days, she's now the largest of the 7 chicks we bought. I hope she will lay soon, she's got the reddest comb of all the other pullets, 2 of which have started.


Stella @ 23 weeks old. From Meyer Hatchery - I thought we would loose her during the first 3 days, she's now the largest of the 7 chicks we bought. I hope she will lay soon, she's got the reddest comb of all the other pullets, 2 of which have started.



She's pretty! Mine were very slow to lay, I can't remember exactly when, but I know some waited until the following spring. Now all of mine are on strike after molting. But they are filling back in nicely.


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