
May 23, 2022
I was curious at what age to chickens slow or stop laying? At what age are laying hens considered old? My oldest hens are 4 and they have slowed down in laying even this past summer they do not lay as much as they used to. My husband said its because they are older now and we need to get some chicks this spring because they are nearing retirement age (they will live out all their days as pets here on the farm even if they no longer lay eggs) I told him no way they are still young ! Is he right???
It depends on the breed, what breeds are yours?
Hens lay the most eggs until they are 3-4, then they start laying less and less every year.
Plymouth Rock thanks!! They are great chickens and have been great layers have just slowed down over the last year. They are healthy and free range along with high quality food and snacks
They may never fully stop laying (though some do) but they generally do start slowing down after their 2nd year, both in terms of a shorter laying season and just fewer eggs overall during the laying season. Some breeds are more productive early (like production hybrids) and then peter out, but a lot of it does vary by individual.

If you go through a lot of eggs, it's recommended to stagger ages in the flock, adding some chicks every 1 or 2 years to keep production numbers up.
My eldest dropped off ever so slightly at age 7, a little more at 8 (I thought she had stopped at one point) but she is still turning out about 3 eggs a week at 9 years old. She has only just stopped at the moment due to foot injury and being hospital caged. She now tends to take more breaks, longer breaks. And a broken toe.

A breeder that I spoke to along the way said that he still had 9yo breeding stock (cannot recall the breeds).

Don't ask me what breed (plural) my 9yo is, I have never been able to figure it out. But champion layer for all these years. I got her for free from the neighbour, who wanted rid of her because she was attacking the later added silkies. She still is very much the alpha, and gave my 3.5yo a really hard time when introduced at 16wk. And, she is a super smart bird (I also have a super dumb bird in the mix, #2, who is only a modest layer, always has been now 4.5yrs).

I will probably always add about 3 POL/pullets every two to three years going forward. Just added 3 just over two weeks ago.

Some of the egg production birds only live to about 4-5, or less, and burn out very quickly. My girls have pet status, so will live out their lives whenever they retire from laying. I prefer more of the heritage breeds, who live longer, keep laying for longer even if at a slowed down pace.
My eldest dropped off ever so slightly at age 7, a little more at 8 (I thought she had stopped at one point) but she is still turning out about 3 eggs a week at 9 years old. She has only just stopped at the moment due to foot injury and being hospital caged. She now tends to take more breaks, longer breaks. And a broken toe.

A breeder that I spoke to along the way said that he still had 9yo breeding stock (cannot recall the breeds).

Don't ask me what breed (plural) my 9yo is, I have never been able to figure it out. But champion layer for all these years. I got her for free from the neighbour, who wanted rid of her because she was attacking the later added silkies. She still is very much the alpha, and gave my 3.5yo a really hard time when introduced at 16wk. And, she is a super smart bird (I also have a super dumb bird in the mix, #2, who is only a modest layer, always has been now 4.5yrs).

I will probably always add about 3 POL/pullets every two to three years going forward. Just added 3 just over two weeks ago.

Some of the egg production birds only live to about 4-5, or less, and burn out very quickly. My girls have pet status, so will live out their lives whenever they retire from laying. I prefer more of the heritage breeds, who live longer, keep laying for longer even if at a slowed down pace.
Thank you!! One if these is my favorite shes super smart and she is the boss everyone respects her as such! I am hoping she lives a really long life (for a chicken) nice to hear of chickens living longer then 3 or 4 years I will add some chicks this year I tried last year and ended up with a bunch of Roosters I did some hatching eggs and some straight run so this year I am only getting sexed chicks!

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