Laying Breed Suggestion


12 Years
Jan 30, 2007
We're looking to buy some laying hens (likely from McMurray as we have a small credit there). We're looking at RIR, Red-Star &/or Black-Star.

Any thoughts on their relative merits? In particular I should note that we live in North Michigan, so cold-tolerance is a plus.

-Frank Blissett
According to Henderson's Chart, Rhodies are good in the cold, but their large combs can get frostbit, but they should lay through the winter.
The other two are bred to be good egg layers, but I don't have any experience with any of these breeds.
Have you considered wyandottes? They are beautiful birds that have a comb that is closer to their head (I forgot what it is called, pea comb maybe?) so their combs don't get frostbit as easily as some other breeds. They lay very well to. I had the silver laced wyandottes a while back, they are very gentle and good layers.
Thanks for the advice. The link will be especially helpful.

We do have one regular RIR hen. Got her as a "freebie" in spring and she's been a good layer. Laid an egg every day or two right through December - though she's slowed down now that the bitter cold's gotten here. We're looking at making our egg production for the local farmers' market more than just a hobby though, so will need a few more girls to add to our coop!


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