Lethargic 1 yr old buff Orpington hen - copious amount of spinach-dip-looking poop....originally tho


6 Years
Apr 11, 2013
Derry, NH
I have a 13 months old buff Orpington hen who has always been a reliable layer and social, bossy bird. On Sunday morning, she was reluctant to get off the roost when my husband opened the coop in the morning. A couple hours later, she had moved from the roost to the ramp, where she was just sitting, which is unusual for any of my birds. Her comb was very pale, so I immediately moved her to quarantine after a quick physical inspection. She spent nearly all of yesterday sitting in a corner of the crate, not sleeping, just looking around. She would occasionally get up and move a foot or so, but then it seemed like she just couldn't hold herself up and would flump back down. Around mid-day, she stared producing some yellow, runny poop. By late afternoon, it was yellow foamy liquid with some black lumps. My research led me to believe it was egg peritonitis. I did not see her eat her food or drink all day, but did notice that she picked at her pine litter quite a bit and seemed to be eating it. I offered her a mash of scrambled egg with probiotics and electrolytes and some sesame seeds (usually a sure bet), but she only took a mouthful or so.

Last night we moved her to the garage for shelter overnight. After the move, she perked up considerably - she started walking around the crate, made a few vocalizations, and her color was a little better. I think this was a protest to her surroundings, as she's never been 'in the house' before and couldn't see any of her flock. Then she pooped, and it was EPIC, and looked like spinach dip. After than she went to sleep so quickly I thought she was dead - but an hour later she was back up and moving a bit. She has continued to produce the same poop, though not as copious as that first time. Today, almost 36 hours after noticing she was "off" - her comb is red and healthy looking, she stands and moves around her crate, but it still refusing most foods and go-to treats (raisin toast, oatmeal, even grapes got the snub). The diarrhea has made a mess of her bottom and vent, but the vent is not red or swollen, and neither is her abdomen.

My question is this - would I be seeing fluid build-up from egg peritonitis at this point, or does it take a while? The last day I know for sure she laid an egg was last Wednesday (6 hens, 6 eggs). I have not had any not-perfect eggs.

And, if this sounds like something else to anyone, please advise!

Thank you so much!

EDITED to add: my remaining hens (3 buffs, 2 EEs) have no symptoms at all.
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Just following along as I had a hen with similar behavioral symptoms over the weekend- but not the same poop issue. Mine seemed to snap out of it after just one day though. Good luck with your girl, hope you get some advice.
I guess you have to kiss the right rings to get help on this board. Thanks so much for the complete lack of help, Wizards.
I guess you have to kiss the right rings to get help on this board. Thanks so much for the complete lack of help, Wizards.

Well, how do you do?
Unfortunately, I am not able to help with your question. I am sorry you felt ignored - I suspect a lot of folks employ the "new posts" feature (I know I do) and with a board as busy as this you will notice that a post can get shuffled back to page 2-3 or beyond rather quickly after being posted, which can lead to being missed. If you feel your post has been overlooked it is helpful to "bump" it (simply reply to your own thread) so that it moves back to the top of the "new posts" listings and can be seen, and hopefully answered.
I agree with Old Grey Mare, I think sometimes it's just a function of when you post (literally, the day and time of day) and how quickly your message gets shuffled to the bottom of the "new posts" list. Like I said in my earlier post, I created a separate thread with a similar problem, and only got one response as well. For better or for worse, if you're really worried, you might include "HELP!" in the title, it might convey to people that there you're really worried.

How is your chicken doing though? Has she perked up or is she still struggling?

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