Lets talk about goats!

Thanks everybody. I'm done breeding in early fall. November is the earliest I'm going to breed in the future. We got down to -30 here yesterday. Its just too cold for these babies.

I have a question
How long do I have to wait for mom's milk to stop tasting like colostrum? Its not good tasting at all! I love goat milk, but this stuff is not good at all.
Also, is a pint/pound of milk in AM from a ND ff a "good" amount? She has baby on her all day, but not over night. Its too cold!!!
It usually takes my does approx 2 weeks to get to "good" milk. Which is odd, because my in laws Jersey cow takes like 3 days, lol.
Yes, I'm freezing the milk. I'm also anxiously waiting for it to taste better! My daughter cannot digest protein. She needs a special formula with broken down proteins, OR she can drink goat milk. I'd rather goat milk, but my milking goat has been dry since end of January...
Well here's hoping you to get to "good" milk sooner rather than later.

I was sure I'd have kids on the ground by now and have a number of people calling me about milk. STILL no kids but my girls are looking HUGE and udders are growing again so maybe soon.
Hi all, I haven't posted in a while. My doe kidded on Feb 15th. She had triplets. 2 boys, 1 girl. One of the boys and the girl both died the same night. It was -20 outside, and even with a heat lamp they froze to death. The biggest baby, a buck survived and is doing well now. Here is a picture.

I am so sorry :'( :hugs at least the one little guy made it :)
Well here's hoping you to get to "good" milk sooner rather than later.  

I was sure I'd have kids on the ground by now and have a number of people calling me about milk.  STILL no kids but my girls are looking HUGE and udders are growing again so maybe soon.  

Ugh, sounds like my place! I had to pen breed this year, and it's killing me!
We just starting milking our goats this year I have 3 in milk now my ill boy loves the taste of goat milk he won't drink the milk from the store anymore

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