Lets talk about goats!

That is good advice :) I had a vet out and we dewormed them right away, she also showed me how to trim the hooves. We also gave a course of antibiotics. I will be taking the male to be wethered very soon and will definitely take a fecal sample from each with me to make sure we are all good. Really hope the male behaviours stop after removing his man bits, cuz boyy does he stink!!!! He's a bit agressive too since we separated him from his ladies. They were just too weak to handle him mounting. Gitabooks your little buckeye is so adorable!!!
I am feeding alfalpha,the vet said it was ok. I am mixing it with a timothy hay as well. Any input if the should help keep the calcium balanced ? They also get a grain mix, here it is called goat text.

Is there anything goats really enjoy as a treat?
Have you treated them for lice? It is hard to tell from a picture but they look like they might be lousy. You can pick up some louse powder at any feed store. Just dust it down the top line and that should take care of it. Lice can be really hard to see especially if you are not sure what you are looking for. Louse powder is cheap and it can't hurt them.
Mine like tree branches, pumpkins, and bananas for a healthy snack, and bread, crackers, and tortilla chip for occasional snacks.
Hi! I have San Clemente Island Goats & they will do anything for raisins & dried dates. I also read that corn chips are irresistible.


Awesome! I love the San Clemente goats, they are such a beautiful color!

Ours loved branches of maple leaves, stale bread and crackers, and irritatingly enough they also would try to eat the cats food too!
(I guess they wanted to be carnivores).
I suppose i could try the louse powder if it's not going to harm them. Thanks for the treat ideas! They do like bananas, the won't eat grass or tree branches. Wouldn't eat cucumber or lettuce either. I need to get my big field meshed in so I can turn them loose in there, they can eat the blackberry bushes. They are picky goats haha. Vet said they were probably raised on grain and hay so they aren't interested in anything less delicious. This makes me so sad though, as the neighbours said they never fed them anything. I don't even know if they had water. They moved into the place and the goats came with it. They moved in November. Poor goaties!!
Louse powder won't hurt them but the lice will. Lice suck the blood and can make them anemic not to mention uncomfortable. You can use ivermectin for lice, but there are two kinds of lice, and ivermectin is only effective against one. The powder will get both.

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