Lets talk CHICKS

I started handling my chicks the day I brought them home (they had just hatched that morning). I would hold them on a towel near my neck so they could cuddle under my neck like they do under momma hen. They are not yet a week old and when I open the brooder door (big dog crate) they flutter onto my lap to cuddle. You're gonna love them.
Let me see if I can post a picture. This is from yesterday.

Subhanalah, I love your story! So sweet :)
That's funny! Yes, I can totally picture that! And, Sage advice on the importance of contact to newborns. We are far from germaphobes so I'm sure we will be very close with our chicks. Just making sure there's nothing we humans carry that would harm a chick. The guy at Tractor Supply put it in my head!
Starting my sketches of our big brooder tonight and got the aquarium started! Chickies arrive Tues.-Thurs.!

Sketched my brooder for our chicks as they grow and need space. It will be kept in our basement near the French doors. In April/May, we'll build them an enclosure for them to enjoy outside the doors. I hope to start it tonight!

Q: at what age can you give them crushed oyster shells/grit?
aart - thank you!! That's new info that I can use as I plan my brooder. Going to incorporate it for sure. I'll plan on all 15 chicks so I'll build it 30 square feet. ?
gander007 - I'll be sure to post pics throughout my building process :) And, thanks for the shell tip. That makes sense!

Secretlyspotted - I literally squealed at those tiny day old fuzzies!! They are adorable! And that picture is so sweet of your daughter! I have 3 kids myself, aged 14, 4 and 2. And, the younger two are boys and I can only imagine how germy they already are!! ha ha :D
I'm glad you've had good luck with the pine shavings. I will be using them, too. Heard they help curtail the smell.

NEW QUESTIONS: I know real young chicks huddle up together to sleep and stay warm, but does that style of sleep last? If not, where and how do they sleep during their juvenile years? I am asking because I am undecided if I should build a large nest box for them all to sleep in. Will that confuse them with laying? Do they sleep where they lay??

Thank you! Gracias! Merci!
They will start trying to roost around 2 weeks old. You can provide perches for them or they can sleep in their shavings. Mine see a blue towel as their nest now and won't sleep on the shavings alone...what have I done? Lol My Cheeky also thinks it's where she needs to have a dust bath. Silly chick!
What is commonly used to create a perch? A dowel? I'll include a few in my big brooder. Do they even need a dark enclosed space, like a 3-walled nest box, or is that unnecessary at the age before laying?

Also, does anyone have a recommendation on leg bands? Ill have 15, 7 of which will be orpingtons, so I want to be able to tell them apart. :)

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