Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

I also love reading your posts! You remind me of times when I was a kid and my mom would do stuff with her church ladies and neighbor friends! I would just love it if you would be my neighbor:)! (There's a song in there somewhere but I think Mr. Rogers stole it!) I am reminded of a movie series that I watched with my kids when they were little. Did we call them Christy movies? Maybe they were in Kentucky instead of Arkansas. Anyhoo.... you remind me of the gal in those movies
I enjoy your post too. My brother is a preacher. He and his wife are on the run all the time. He spends most of his time at the hospitals. Just last year they moved out of the parsonage and bought their own house. His church members are SO good to my brother some times too good they are even jealous if he has anything to do with his family.

Before I got married I would spend most weekends at their house.

Do you know the Schneidgers (?) not sure how to spell their name but I use to. Their son is a dr at Arkansas Children's Hospital and he sent the helicopter and staff when you got hit buy the tornado. They use to own the local paper and she was a state senator. Any way I worked a lot with their son and he's a great guy. He was my dr while I worked at the hospital.


Thank you for your sweet comments. I know several people are waiting on eggs like me...just thought I would add details of my life along with the wait.
There is so much that I have to delete, and simply keep to myself...but you must, you absolutely must keep a sense of humor in the ministry.
Oh, and yes, my husband uses me and our children as 'sermon material' at different times. Some funny, some not so funny. I have set on pew #2 all my life (my grandmother was a pastors wife, my mother is one, and now I) I love church times, and all the funny stories that I have...I keep saying one day I'm going to write a book. My dad used to pastor and Indian mission church, we went to church with the Pathkillers, Tenkillers, Sixkillers, Polecat's, and a multitude of other precious people who had such wonderful stories.
The brusharbors we've had and been fact about 7 seven years ago my husband preached his 'first brusharbor' meeting and had one convert on the first night....a big calico cat! That cat wondered through the benches and chairs, under people legs, and when he gave the altar call up strolled that kitty cat, bold as brass, and lolled under the altar, layed there and slapped at it for awhile, then jumped up on top....needless to say people were more interested in the cat...than spiritual things! I never could get that cat to come to me! ( I pulled out baby treats..I even opened my baby's bottle and poured some of the milk on the ground to attract it) seems it's the ridiculous times that stick out the most...and we have the most laughs about.
Feb. 23 - Today is the last day I turn my eggs.
I heard a scratching noise... small, but several! So excited!
Thirteen eggs!

Would love 13 baby chicks!

Last night was our rally. My husband is the young people's leader for our section. We had to cancel the rally in January because of ice. We were unable to attend the banquet in Dec.(the church van broke down on the way...there were 11 people, and it was cold.. got back home about 11:30 that night...note* we had left at 5:05)
My point? We had many awards to give out, it was also the Teen Talent Expo! There is one young man who is extremely gifted! He entered in the Male Vocal Solo. Our choir didn't do to bad themselves...we were just for Praise & Worship, not the expo. My daughter won in the Jr. talent expo back in Nov. she has an angelic voice, with an angelic face....

I did not rest well last night, I had a dream. About one of my sisters (there are 7 of us children, 3 girls & 4 boys) I'm the baby girl, and 1 brother younger than me.
Anyway... couldn't rest, greatly disturbed, spent the rest of the night in prayer, awoke my husband to join me in prayer after a coupla hours... I still couldn't get a peace, so I called my mother this morning... she had the same dream...the EXACT dream. Please say a prayer.

Today is a "home" day for us...We didn't hardly know what to do with ourselves today! (my 'honey-do' is pretty
Hoping for little chicks from eggs...
I'm not going to tarry. I'm going to enjoy time with my husband and children....

I am not really a patient person, no, this is becoming quite apparent with my attitude on these little eggs!

Wednesday...I'm not really 'wishing' my days away... but I've checked the clock, the calendar, and the clock again...multiple times...

This week-end was a difficult one. Nay, you could say stressful, anxiety laiden, even high-blood pressure week-end! How on earth do people manage to get in such fixes?
My husband recieved a phone call from a person who attends our church, they were frantic, police were questioning this person, and now....well what a mess. While my husband presence is calming, and comforting...I really don't know why they would want him there...I don't feel comfortable in this town with every thing that goes on... It is known for it's drug trafficing. In the past 2 months, 2 different groups of people have awakened us from our sleep, one at 2:30 and one about 1:00 in the morning, demanding a ride, help, and my husband would load them up and take them to town, five miles down the road. I sit on pins and needles...who are they? Where is the car that supposedly broke down? Oh the list is endless. Granted my husband is big and strong, but honestly!
I lock the doors, pray, pace, pray....

He always comes back shaking his head, talking about what a pitiful life people lead (the sin, the wickedness).
I think I sound selfish...I hope that I'm husband gets frustrated with me for all the stuff I do....(lol) in helping others...
but mine are simple things....meals, grocery, clothes, toys, visits, phone calls, simple things.

I know that others have (are) making sacrifices, but I just worry so much because we live in such a wicked world. And people have been shot, stabbed, and just flat missing before!

Soo, I worry about my eggs.

Is the flu afflicting anyone else? He spent yesterday between church services, visiting people sick with the flu.
We always get the shots...(my daughter has lung difficulties)
And this one is not working, though they say it helps you if get the flu...
Oh yes, it's a lovely day today....supposed to get up to 65! And the sun is shining....
I am making better time now that I don't have to use a boat to get back and forth between the church and parsonage! (It gets pretty deep over the sidewalk....) actually it might be a good idea! he he he
My husband did offer me his waders when I was complaining
(I mean 'commenting') the other day about it! It ruins my shoes! I have to tiptoe and it still rises up to my ankles!! (If it wasn't so cold, I would just take my shoes off and go across barefoot!)

Oh, and I'm really excited...two weddings and a baby shower are coming in my family! (That means I get to go back home!) I love to decorate, and my sister is giving me free rein! Yeehaw!
Thank you. Our church is Pentecostal Holiness.
We had to stop work on the coop, listen at me 'we', I was passing up hammers, nails, etc... like I was
Phone call, a church member very sick, she was wanting he's gone to see her, and I'm washing clothes, and fixing to start supper.
You know, I'm very happy and blessed. I truly do love the ministry work. And I love my husband, so proud of him. Our children are the light of our lives, we are hoping for husband comes from a family of four, he's a twin (she's a girl)...and I have six brothers and sisters...there are seven of us all together. I really enjoy my family!
You know we were counting us at Christmas and there are 42, now 43, a baby girl was born to my neice 2 weeks ago. My nephew is getting married in June and one of my other neices...well she might or might not get married...(she's a little hesisitant)

So as we continue to grow...we enjoy getting to be together.
Hope your chicks are hatching. I have chicks starting to pip and peep. I should have some by morning.
It is a privilege to serve the Lord in His Church. I am ever amazed at the thoughtfulness of our congregation. I have been sick and they have called, cooked, taken over duties loved on me prayed for me and then Sunday they gave us the money to take a Cruise casue they want us to Rest some. They said we are their Mom and Dad. I feel so humble. My oldest son preached Sun. on the Mercy of God and the alters were full.
There are always people in need but the Power of God to deliever people from all sorts of strongholds in their life never ceases to amaze me. Just when I am ready to give up just one touch an there you go totally changed and a few months down the road you would never believe it was the same person. God is Good.

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