little giant 9300

Yes I put about a 1/4 cup of water in it at the beginning, finally quit raining here and the ambient humidity is dropping as well as in the incubator. 55% now, temp spikes when it gets below 60% so I've really had to watch, would be happier if it was closer to 50%. The air cells had grown though. The "candler" that came with incubator was a small LED flashlight like the freebies from Harbor Freight , except its plastic with a small hose gasket in the rim around lens, fancy, LOL! That little light works good if I cup my thumb and index finger around it then place the egg in cup. Here's hoping I can keep them growing right, would really like some little fluff balls running aro here!
where did u buy ur fan kit?
It was already installed when I ordered incubator from Coopsnmore on EBay. Almost bought 9300 without until I contacted Miller and they told they did not have any, I did this to see if I could save a buck. The fan installed looks just like the one on box except for a sticker in the middle that says Rite Farm Products. Maybe it's a knock off I don't know for sure. Coopsnmore has a website might be able to contact them for a kit. I'm guessing they installed it.
Here's a screen shot off my mobile do not have a URL but they show more available, thinking they might sell fan kit too.
If you can't find company let me know I can message them and ask too, through my app, sorry I couldn't produce a URL through the app, of course it's got a button to order another one though, LOL!
I picked up one of these Wednesday and I've been running it since then.  I was worried at first because the instructions said the ideal ambient operating temp was 70 and I keep my house pretty warm in the summer (around 78) but it appears to be holding a stable temp.  I will lose a degree every once in a while but it comes back up to temp quickly, and more importantly my digital thermometer hasn't registered a spike yet.

Without water the humidity ranges from 30% - 55% depending on if the A/C is on, so I think I may do the first 18 days without water and then add some at lockdown to bump it up for hatching.

I'll be setting eggs this weekend, it will be my first time with an incubator.  I have a broody sitting on some eggs since last weekend. My thoughts are if she hatches what she has and does well with them, I may try to give her whatever chicks come from the incubator to raise.  :)
keep us posted on ur hatch
So I set 11 eggs Saturday evening. Keeping bamadude's tip about the eggs around the heating element hatching first, I arranged them mostly around the top center. I set the temp on the LG to 102 and after about an hour, the LG reads 102.5 on top of the eggs and my secondary probe thermometer reads around 101.5 or a bit higher at the same level. Is this temp high enough do you think?

I did not add any water (because Georgia) and the humidity fluctuates between 50-60%.

So I set 11 eggs Saturday evening. Keeping bamadude's tip about the eggs around the heating element hatching first, I arranged them mostly around the top center. I set the temp on the LG to 102 and after about an hour, the LG reads 102.5 on top of the eggs and my secondary probe thermometer reads around 101.5 or a bit higher at the same level. Is this temp high enough do you think? I did not add any water (because Georgia) and the humidity fluctuates between 50-60%.
i think that will be perfect.
Hot here today and the house temp went up to 75 degrees but the incubator stayed a perfect 99.5-100 degrees today. Much easier to regulate it when the house is on the + side of 70 degrees. Day nine tomorrow I think I'll candle quickly and cull the clears. Hey GeekySheep what kind of thermometer is the yellow outside one and how is your humidity level? Does the yellow thermometer function as a hydrometer too? The built in one on this unit is not accurate outside of the 60%-80% range.

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