Little Giant Incubation Experiment - Day 21 - Hatch Day!

Which model Little Giant do you prefer?

  • Model 9200 (Manual controls)

    Votes: 24 44.4%
  • Model 9300 (Digital controls)

    Votes: 30 55.6%

  • Total voters
I love mine, so idk? :idunno Maybe you could contact the company about a return? I still haven't gotten a hatch out of it just yet, but we'll see in a week how it goes.
Well, here's my first baby, under an hour old.
AUGH!!!!!! I am sooooo getting a new bator before I do this again!!! And I am never saying how well it's doing either!!!! So ever since it's become wonky and went all tempermental on me, I've struggled with "hot spots". Someone forgot to tell my bator forced air isn't supposed to have hot spots. So I went and grabbed another thermometer so I could double check the other areas. (It runs consistant with the two that were in there. I set it off to the corner/side I was worried about and sure enough- read 103!!!! Even though I didn't plan on touching them again other than turning them for a few days, I figured I'd check a couple.... I am pretty sure that I have another couple that are cooked. That would make at least four in there that are gone!!! I didn't candle them all, just a few and did my turning, but I am so dissapointed. And I've been doing so well..... it is an older bator and I know these styros aren't known for longevity, but darn! I am already sleep deprived from getting up every hour or two to check the temps it'll be extra frustrating if I loose them after all the extra work.
AUGH!!!!!! I am sooooo getting a new bator before I do this again!!! And I am never saying how well it's doing either!!!! So ever since it's become wonky and went all tempermental on me, I've struggled with "hot spots". Someone forgot to tell my bator forced air isn't supposed to have hot spots. So I went and grabbed another thermometer so I could double check the other areas. (It runs consistant with the two that were in there. I set it off to the corner/side I was worried about and sure enough- read 103!!!! Even though I didn't plan on touching them again other than turning them for a few days, I figured I'd check a couple.... I am pretty sure that I have another couple that are cooked. That would make at least four in there that are gone!!! I didn't candle them all, just a few and did my turning, but I am so dissapointed. And I've been doing so well..... it is an older bator and I know these styros aren't known for longevity, but darn! I am already sleep deprived from getting up every hour or two to check the temps it'll be extra frustrating if I loose them after all the extra work.

Sorry you are having trouble now. 103 is high, and hot is worse than cooler. Mine seems to fluctuate up and down so much, I figured I couldn't get as technical as you are getting, haven't even checked for hotter spots. I'm just trying not to get too hot, and if some are cooler and take a little longer to hatch, so be it.
I'm amazed that I now have 2 little duckies, and my turkey hatched! I'm really shocked that the turkey made it. They are finally resting and have fluffed up nicely, but I have 2 more pips working, so I'm not taking them out yet. Hopefully these others come out tomorrow.
Oh, and I sympathize with the exhaustion too.... I haven't slept more than a few hours at a time either, for the last couple of nights.

Best of luck!
103 isn't that bad. My last hatch, I had a temp spike of 106 for who knows how long. The eggs were all still alive when I candled.

I think I'll be calling Miller on Tuesday (my next day off from work) and see what they say about me having to set the thermostat so high to achieve the right temperature. I have a full time job, so I'm normally gone for 8-10 hours most days, which means I can't baby sit the 9300. I'm really afraid it'll hold steady for a while and then go crazy and cook my eggs while I'm gone. My 9200 has been perfect. I've had it forever, almost 6 years now, and I got it second hand. I've never had a problem with it. The 9300 has been a problem since I pulled it out of the box and plugged it in. I really wanted to use it as my main 'bator and use the the 9200 as a hatcher. I have them both loaded down right now, a friend of mine brought me a ton of eggs to incubate for him, and I had quite a few of my own, so I can't even switch the eggs from the 9300 to the 9200. Ugh.
So I happened upon this thread Silkie and realized you were commenting on my thread the other day. So since we last chatted on my thread I went to TSC yesterday and bought the LG 9300, I didn't get a fan or a turner although I really thought about it. But, I did buy it just to incubate those goose eggs. Which surprisingly also came yesterday. And a few days ago I ordered a brinsea mini Advanced. That incubator is in its trial run right now and tomorrow I will unplug and wait for the Speckled Sussex eggs I won yesterday. I am going to have bators of all kinds every where here soon I think. I saw an interesting pic on one of the threads of a few shoe totes with eggs and heat lamp and a sponge... Seriously thinking about trying that too.
I know something is wrong with me. lol
I was worried about the humidity for the Goose eggs. I decided I am not going to fret over it. It says 55% and I will just hope and pray. Since today is day one. Tomorrow morning I will start the first turning so I can get that figured out.
As far as the Farm Innovators Bator goes I have 8 Lavender Orphington eggs in there as of this morning. Praying my heat and humidity is correct cuz these gages Aye yei yei. When they say for Reference Only they are spot on in the reference department. Ha. I didn't plug in the egg turner on this one because I read a bunch of threads saying to let the eggs settle for the first day. So tomorrow morning I will turn the auto turner on in this one. And hand turn the goose eggs for the first time.
I am looking forward to following this thread.
I hope it all turns out great for you. I know how it feels to have incubators everywhere, I don't know if I could get another in my room... I might just try though. :D
Sorry you are having trouble now. 103 is high, and hot is worse than cooler. Mine seems to fluctuate up and down so much, I figured I couldn't get as technical as you are getting, haven't even checked for hotter spots. I'm just trying not to get too hot, and if some are cooler and take a little longer to hatch, so be it.
I'm amazed that I now have 2 little duckies, and my turkey hatched! I'm really shocked that the turkey made it. They are finally resting and have fluffed up nicely, but I have 2 more pips working, so I'm not taking them out yet. Hopefully these others come out tomorrow.
Oh, and I sympathize with the exhaustion too.... I haven't slept more than a few hours at a time either, for the last couple of nights.

Best of luck!

I wouldn't mind the little fluctions if I knew the whole bator was the same temp. Congrats on those duckys. It's probably a good thing I don't have a pond or land enough to put one in or I'd be hatching them too. Baby ducks are doubly adorable.
103 isn't that bad. My last hatch, I had a temp spike of 106 for who knows how long. The eggs were all still alive when I candled.

I think I'll be calling Miller on Tuesday (my next day off from work) and see what they say about me having to set the thermostat so high to achieve the right temperature. I have a full time job, so I'm normally gone for 8-10 hours most days, which means I can't baby sit the 9300. I'm really afraid it'll hold steady for a while and then go crazy and cook my eggs while I'm gone. My 9200 has been perfect. I've had it forever, almost 6 years now, and I got it second hand. I've never had a problem with it. The 9300 has been a problem since I pulled it out of the box and plugged it in. I really wanted to use it as my main 'bator and use the the 9200 as a hatcher. I have them both loaded down right now, a friend of mine brought me a ton of eggs to incubate for him, and I had quite a few of my own, so I can't even switch the eggs from the 9300 to the 9200. Ugh.
103 is pretty high for forced air, but it's not spikes, it's the hot spots in the bator. I've narrowed it down to the corners. Apparently the fan doesn't give enough push to extend to the corners. I have moved them all center now and am hoping for the best. I believe I have already lost 6. One to a crack and one to the overheating by the turner motor, the other's to the hot spots I think. I have a feeling I am in for a dissapointment with these hatches.

I think before my next hatch I want to get a Havabator and try those out.

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