Long Islanders.... I know you are out there

I'm from Sayville! I started with 4 hens last year and added 3 more this year. I got them all from Long Island Poultry, he has a FB page and will let you know what he is getting and when. He also has ducks. And I believe you can get 3 not 6 like most places here.
I'm from Sayville! I started with 4 hens last year and added 3 more this year. I got them all from Long Island Poultry, he has a FB page and will let you know what he is getting and when. He also has ducks. And I believe you can get 3 not 6 like most places here.

That's where I got my chickens from. He is great!!
I'm from Sayville! I started with 4 hens last year and added 3 more this year. I got them all from Long Island Poultry, he has a FB page and will let you know what he is getting and when. He also has ducks. And I believe you can get 3 not 6 like most places here.

Where is he located?
Hi! Eastern Suffolk, south shore here. I got my first chicks from Meyer Hatchery (mail order) in April because there wasn't a minimum qty to buy and I wanted specific breeds. I was nervous at first about mail order, but I was happy with it and the post office was great. I have 1 Buff Orpington, 2 RIR's, 2 Black Australorps and 1 Golden Laced Wydandotte. They are 17 weeks old now and I am waiting for my first eggs! I go to the Agway in Riverhead for most supplies. I saw some chicks there last week that need homes - you can always call them too to ask what they have, I believe you need to take 6 though.
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Oak Ave. in Riverhead. He is on facebook and also has a web address longislandpoultry.
Has anyone here used Nutrena Nature Smart Organic crumbles? There is a place in Blue Point that carries Nutrena and will order this for me (gotta find out the price) SOOO much closer to home!!
Hi other Long Islanders,
I am in Eastern Suffolk. Got my first chicks back in May. I think 1/2 of them might be roosters !!! Ughhh. Have 2 Colombian Rocks, 4 Speckled Sussex and 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks. 3 or 4 might be cockerels. When the young girl picked them from the chick cages, she grabbed the ones that came to look out once she opened the door. Maybe I should have had her grab the chicks mixed in the group...LOL Maybe she would have more likely caught a pullet???. The 2 Barred ones are so mean! They peck the littlest hen that was picked up and dropped by a hawk. They peck her so hard she squawks very loud. She recovered, but waddles a little bit when she walks. I took her to Dr Hensen at Paumonauk on Rt 112 in Patchogue/Medford. She sees chickens, parrots and other birds. Dr. Hensen was great with her. You can tell she loves her birds. She prescribed pain medicine and an antibiotics by mouth. They flavor the antibiotics so it tastes good. Worth it for me. Let's hope she can still lay some eggs for me. Anyhow, should I give/sell the Plymouth Rocks? I heard that they're very bossy when with timid breeds, but they lay nice big brown eggs. I was thinking to get another coop just for them!!@@??? I have the property and the space. Just not sure I want to clean 2 coops! What would you do? If they turn out to be roosters, does anyone need want a rooster? I think I have one cockerel from each breed. Since they are only 15 weeks, it's difficult for me to tell, especially being new at this.
  • Colombian Rock (if he is a cockerel/rooster) is friendly and comes to you or follows you when the flock (or he needs) something.
  • Barred Ply Rock (if he is a cockerel/ rooster) is large and very protective of the flock always scanning and watching for predators. Very nervous around humans. Great at escaping from me..
  • Speckled Sussex (if a cockerel/rooster) is docile and calm. Lets you pet him. Can't tell for sure, but I do see some saddle feathers and that green iridescence on the feathers. His personality blends in with the flock.

8 Hopeful Hens
Hi everyone I'm in Ridge in the lovely town of Crookhaven!
5 RIR's & 1 Wyandotte
The RIRs came from Neptune Feeds in Calverton when they had their "baby chick day" in Aprilo. I lost one so I picked up the Wyandotte fro LI Poultry.
My girls are about 20 weeks old and have been giving me about 3 eggs a day.
My grandmother had chickens in Middle Island when I was little and I kind of convinced my husband it would be a good idea. I still don't think he's 100% sold on it.
I love them!
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My barred rocks are friendly. They come to the gate when they hear my back door open. And they come right to us and like to be held. The guy I get my chickens from is 95% certain he is giving you hens and will take roosters back if you get one from him!
Hi other Long Islanders,
I am in Eastern Suffolk. Got my first chicks back in May. I think 1/2 of them might be roosters !!! Ughhh. Have 2 Colombian Rocks, 4 Speckled Sussex and 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks. 3 or 4 might be cockerels. When the young girl picked them from the chick cages, she grabbed the ones that came to look out once she opened the door. Maybe I should have had her grab the chicks mixed in the group...LOL Maybe she would have more likely caught a pullet???. The 2 Barred ones are so mean! They peck the littlest hen that was picked up and dropped by a hawk. They peck her so hard she squawks very loud. She recovered, but waddles a little bit when she walks. I took her to Dr Hensen at Paumonauk on Rt 112 in Patchogue/Medford. She sees chickens, parrots and other birds. Dr. Hensen was great with her. You can tell she loves her birds. She prescribed pain medicine and an antibiotics by mouth. They flavor the antibiotics so it tastes good. Worth it for me. Let's hope she can still lay some eggs for me. Anyhow, should I give/sell the Plymouth Rocks? I heard that they're very bossy when with timid breeds, but they lay nice big brown eggs. I was thinking to get another coop just for them!!@@??? I have the property and the space. Just not sure I want to clean 2 coops! What would you do? If they turn out to be roosters, does anyone need want a rooster? I think I have one cockerel from each breed. Since they are only 15 weeks, it's difficult for me to tell, especially being new at this.
  • Colombian Rock (if he is a cockerel/rooster) is friendly and comes to you or follows you when the flock (or he needs) something.
  • Barred Ply Rock (if he is a cockerel/ rooster) is large and very protective of the flock always scanning and watching for predators. Very nervous around humans. Great at escaping from me..
  • Speckled Sussex (if a cockerel/rooster) is docile and calm. Lets you pet him. Can't tell for sure, but I do see some saddle feathers and that green iridescence on the feathers. His personality blends in with the flock.

8 Hopeful Hens

HI 8 Hopeful Hens, thanks for sharing the chicken vet experience, just in case I need a vet for my flock. Glad your girl recovered, poor thing. I am also new to this and got my chicks in April so mine are probably a couple weeks older than yours. I understand your anxiety about the roosters because I ordered 6 chicks and one turned out to be a Roo and I didn't know what to do. I would definitely post good pics of them under "what breed or gender" on the tabs above- I would think someone should be able to help tell what they are at 15 weeks. Mine was crowing about 12 weeks. He had huge red comb and wattles before the other chickens and different feathers. I madly researched Roosters since I was on the fence about keeping him or not. So many people advised me to "just wait it out" and I am glad I did because he is so far a nice rooster. Otherwise, the next step would have been to either find a farm that would take him, or put flyers at local stores. This thread helped me a lot also: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/821717/how-to-raise-a-rooster - It may help you figure out if you want to keep one or not, or at least make you more aware. Generally you only want 1 rooster for every 7-10 hens (I don't remember the exact ratio) so with your small number you probably should only keep one if you do. Regarding separating the Plymouth Rocks, I know from my girls (and reading others posts) they are all very social and stick together all the time. Separating them in a separate run or coop may or may not work for them, and if you're free ranging they may still go after the little one, and I guess you'd have to determine if it was worth it to you to have two runs and coops. Good luck with everything! and post your suspect rooster pics!!
Thanks MeepsMeeps for your post. My two neighbors a few houses over have chickens. I think they might be interested in taking the 2 Barred Rocks. He and I are playing phone tag, but I think I heard him say on his message that they'd take them. Problem solved!! Just hope I'm not left with only 2 hens that lay eggs..LOL. Oh well. Next time I know to get all breeds that are docile/timid. Right from the beginning, the barred rocks would back away from us and seemed nervous as baby chicks. The Speckled Sussex chicks ate out of our hands and the Columbian Rocks were so curious and would come over. I have the one previously injured hen, Henrietta, that I have to keep cleaning her/vent area and another speckled Sussex we call, Chickoletta, that has large tumors on her: 1 on her back and 1 near her butt/egg producing area. Not sure how long she'll live or if she'll produce any eggs.
I read from other Long Islanders that Double D Ranch in Riverhead takes chickens. They have a website. Also, Agway in Riverhead has a pegboard that you can post Roosters For Free or For Sale. The girl working there said people are always coming in looking for roosters. So I do have other options if the neighbors decide against taking them.
Have you read about using DE? Diatamacious Earth, crushed garlic in their water and garlic oil spray under their wings to prevent mite/lice infestations? I have been worried about this lately. I had a flea infestation in my house and it took diligence and 6 months of flea drops on my dog and two young cats to rid the house of them!! I think with all the ground hogs and rabbits in the yard it's inevitable. My dog must have brought them in since she roll in the grass outside, but my 2 cats have to say indoors.

8Hopeful Hens

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