(Long Post) "Neighbor" dog killed 2 pullets **TRICKY SITUATION**

How to handle this situation?

  • Kill dog

  • Take legal action

  • Do nothing

  • Other (explain)

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Bethany......I'm going to leave you with this....and hope you take it in light of the spirit of the constructive advice intended....

We get and have empathy towards your situation. You are clearly frustrated, and it shows. But seeing that you joined this forum only a few weeks ago, you don't know the personalities involved. Take me, for example. I only shot my first neighbor's dog 25 years before you were born. Since moving to the country and taking up chickens 5 years ago, I've yet to lose the first bird to a predator of any kind. Predators are around.....all of them.....and that also includes numerous encounters with neighbors dogs. And others on here have even more experience dealing with predators than I do. Bottom line is there are a lot of folks trying to help you that really do know what they are talking about.....so you might want to listen to them.

Back to the electric fence. In a world of objectionable solutions to your predicament, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being shooting the neighbor's dog.......and 15 or 20 being shooting the neighbors too.......an electric fence of the type being suggested....is a 1. My guess is the grandmother knows even less about what it is or how it works than you do, but if it were me, and I was having to listen to all the drama you are experiencing, and I knew that such a simple and effective solution was available, the only thing that would get me revved up was knowing you had not already done it.

I have no idea what type of electric fence you must be thinking of......I can only suspect it is along the lines of some type of high voltage prison fence. It's not. The fence I'm talking about is only slightly more permanent that patio furniture. Driving a dozen steel posts for my tomato cages is 2X as much work. I'm putting one up tomorrow to keep the chickens out of a newly planted garden. I suspect it will take me all of 30 minutes from start to finish and won't be up more than a few months. Same type of fence will take care of your problem dog.

Good luck to you!
... Don't "almost" hit it next time. 🤷‍♀️

Seriously though, I would press Grandma to call the tenants. She needs to draw a line in the sand so y'all can enforce.

Taking the dog to a shelter isn't a bad idea either.

100%, I would make sure they know you're legal to kill doggy in defense of your chickens, and that you absolutely will.
OP has not responded bc OP is too frustrated with logical suggestions for solutions. After all, the suggestion to move to another home was met with this statement:
Ignorant suggestion

However, they could move to where they could rent (not buy). They could investigate the very temporary installation of electric fencing, but even with a forum of helpful people and the internet at their fingertips, OP is still insisting that electric fencing is impossible.

Often the SSS method is effective with wayward and aggressive dogs, but in this situation, where OP has admitted to the problem being 3 years ongoing, and the dogs owner having mental instability, It would be more adviseable to get electric fencing installed around the chickens.

@Bethany101, you should calm down and think through your many options. you've received many helpful replies, and have only indicted why everything suggested could not possibly work and you have given the attitude that everything suggested is “ignorant” In your young, inexperienced eyes.
OP has not responded bc OP is too frustrated with logical suggestions for solutions. After all, the suggestion to move to another home was met with this statement:

However, they could move to where they could rent (not buy). They could investigate the very temporary installation of electric fencing, but even with a forum of helpful people and the internet at their fingertips, OP is still insisting that electric fencing is impossible.

Often the SSS method is effective with wayward and aggressive dogs, but in this situation, where OP has admitted to the problem being 3 years ongoing, and the dogs owner having mental instability, It would be more adviseable to get electric fencing installed around the chickens.

@Bethany101, you should calm down and think through your many options. you've received many helpful replies, and have only indicted why everything suggested could not possibly work and you have given the attitude that everything suggested is “ignorant” In your young, inexperienced eyes.
Everyone is suggesting the same solution. Install electric fencing. We have already been told that we can not install electric fencing. A movable fence is an option that my boyfriend and I have been talking about. I'm not looking for answers about how to house my chickens, we already have plans for them, as I have repeatedly said. I am looking for answers about how to eliminate an aggressive dog from the property without murdering it. All suggestions about how to house my chickens are either not relevant, or have already been sought out and thwarted, or just are not practical/affordable. As I have repeatedly mentioned, the chickens had a large area until a predator moved into it. Until the predator has been removed, they can't be in there. Any suggestions on how to get rid of the dog without killing him are very welcome, but I have received few. No, we will not be moving to another house, purchased or otherwise, because we are the landlords of the property we already live on, and the tenants pay in cash, which we must collect and deposit into the bank so the property owners receive their income. Don't ask me why they don't direct deposit. I don't know. That's just how it is, and it's not up to me to change that. If we move, there will be no one to collect and deposit the rent. The tenants will be kicked out, the grandparents will lose their income, and the property will no longer be willed to my boyfriend when the grandparents die. Instead, it will be sold. That is OUR agreement. As long as my boyfriend is living at and taking care of the property, it will go to him and stay in the family. If he or any other family member is not living here, the grandparents see no reason to keep it in the family. They would rather sell or have it foreclosed on than let it sit empty.

Do you have any suggestions on how to get rid of the dog, other than killing him, or are you just here to tell me how to live my life?
... Don't "almost" hit it next time. 🤷‍♀️

Seriously though, I would press Grandma to call the tenants. She needs to draw a line in the sand so y'all can enforce.

Taking the dog to a shelter isn't a bad idea either.

100%, I would make sure they know you're legal to kill doggy in defense of your chickens, and that you absolutely will.
Thanks for the useful opinion. Seems like most people commenting are more concerned with my personal affairs than the dog.
we are the landlords of the property we already live on,

THERE is your answer. YOUR BF is landlord, yet he has no power??

are you just here to tell me how to live my life?

Lol. So very young in mind and spirit. But, mid 20s you need to buck up to adult realities. No, you can live your life how you want. You want to rant and refute, so you are. MANY suggestions here are good and useful, as you requested, but I’ll bet others that actually know you describe you as “stubborn” to put it nicely. Btw, calling helpful and experienced people “ignorant” generally isn’t going to be well received. Remember, you are an adult in mid 20s, not a kid, so you may want to consider acting like an adult.
Bethany......I'm going to leave you with this....and hope you take it in light of the spirit of the constructive advice intended....

We get and have empathy towards your situation. You are clearly frustrated, and it shows. But seeing that you joined this forum only a few weeks ago, you don't know the personalities involved. Take me, for example. I only shot my first neighbor's dog 25 years before you were born. Since moving to the country and taking up chickens 5 years ago, I've yet to lose the first bird to a predator of any kind. Predators are around.....all of them.....and that also includes numerous encounters with neighbors dogs. And others on here have even more experience dealing with predators than I do. Bottom line is there are a lot of folks trying to help you that really do know what they are talking about.....so you might want to listen to them.

Back to the electric fence. In a world of objectionable solutions to your predicament, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being shooting the neighbor's dog.......and 15 or 20 being shooting the neighbors too.......an electric fence of the type being suggested....is a 1. My guess is the grandmother knows even less about what it is or how it works than you do, but if it were me, and I was having to listen to all the drama you are experiencing, and I knew that such a simple and effective solution was available, the only thing that would get me revved up was knowing you had not already done it.

I have no idea what type of electric fence you must be thinking of......I can only suspect it is along the lines of some type of high voltage prison fence. It's not. The fence I'm talking about is only slightly more permanent that patio furniture. Driving a dozen steel posts for my tomato cages is 2X as much work. I'm putting one up tomorrow to keep the chickens out of a newly planted garden. I suspect it will take me all of 30 minutes from start to finish and won't be up more than a few months. Same type of fence will take care of your problem dog.

Good luck to you!
Thanks. I honestly don't know anything about electric fencing, but everything that I have found while searching has led me to very expensive solutions, so I'm really not sure where you folks are finding your 100 dollar solutions. And again... We have already been told not to install electric fencing. And again, I don't know why. But that is what we were told. Perhaps the grandparents are also assuming the electric fencing solution we want is the expensive kind that seem to be plaguing my searches. Even on Craigslist, I see 4 digit price tags for small area electric fencing. I'm not trying to tell anyone to f*ck off, I'm just telling you that I have myself been told to f*ck off when suggesting the same solutions to the property owner. Once again. It is not up to me. The grandparents are very particular people. It took us 2 years to convince them to let us even have a dog, even though they let the tenants have one. And our dog already belonged to my boyfriend, but stayed with his mom when he moved here from California. I said in the title that this is a tricky situation. I was hoping to find answers that I haven't already come up with and suggested and had shot down by the grandparents already, but it sure seems like all these folks like to believe I'm just turning them down for fun. I am not. I am trapped in hell and I have almost no say in what can be done. So I am looking for creative ideas to circumvent the ones that have already been shot down by the grandparents, that do not end in murder or involve electric fencing, which we do not have permission from the property owner to install.
THERE is your answer. YOUR BF is landlord, yet he has no power??

Lol. So very young in mind and spirit. But, mid 20s you need to buck up to adult realities. No, you can live your life how you want. You want to rant and refute, so you are. MANY suggestions here are good and useful, as you requested, but I’ll bet others that actually know you describe you as “stubborn” to put it nicely. Btw, calling helpful and experienced people “ignorant” generally isn’t going to be well received. Remember, you are an adult in mid 20s, not a kid, so you may want to consider acting like an adult.
I still don't see any suggestions on how to get rid of the dog in your statement. Yes he is the landlord/property "manager", whatever you want to call it. That does not mean he gets to undermine the owner, regardless of the relationship. I may be young, but I'm also the one in this situation, not you. You can tell me to undermine the owner all you want, but we respect what they tell us we can or can't do.
I still don't see any suggestions on how to get rid of the dog in your statement. Yes he is the landlord/property "manager", whatever you want to call it. That does not mean he gets to undermine the owner, regardless of the relationship. I may be young, but I'm also the one in this situation, not you. You can tell me to undermine the owner all you want, but we respect what they tell us we can or can't do.

I, personally, did not tell you how to get rid of the dogwith any detail. I suggested electric fencing. Many other suggestions on this thread, by others.

I am trapped in hell and I have almost no say in what can be done

re-read this post of yours above. YOU can leave the hell you are in. You BF can be visited. You can stay and work to make it less like “hell”. You and BF work and could prioritize buying the property from grandparents (since it would be sold if you left). You could try to figure out how to approach gp about new terms (if you don’t buy the land). I have a relative I need to approach/talk to differently than I normally would others bc I figured out that Particular relative responded best to an alternate approach highlighting certain aspects vs others (Based on things important to them...not me). I’d recommend before approaching them again to evaluate other ways of approaching them, and you might come up with a plan. Maybe they can’t be reasoned with...I certainly don’t know, but I do know results can differ based on approach.

Also, not to be a buzzkill on the anticipated inheritance of land, nor am I a lawyer, but BF only gets the land if it is clear title and not needed to paydebts. If gp needs to payfor elder type care, the land will be sold as required by Medicare. They have a 5 year look back too, so if land is sold to you and it looks like they were “hiding/protecting” assets, then that could be an issue. Anyway, land isn’t his and isnt guaranteed unless you are confident about asset/debt situation of gp. Food for thought.
Everyone is suggesting the same solution. Install electric fencing. We have already been told that we can not install electric fencing. A movable fence is an option that my boyfriend and I have been talking about. I'm not looking for answers about how to house my chickens, we already have plans for them, as I have repeatedly said. I am looking for answers about how to eliminate an aggressive dog from the property without murdering it. All suggestions about how to house my chickens are either not relevant, or have already been sought out and thwarted, or just are not practical/affordable. As I have repeatedly mentioned, the chickens had a large area until a predator moved into it. Until the predator has been removed, they can't be in there. Any suggestions on how to get rid of the dog without killing him are very welcome, but I have received few. No, we will not be moving to another house, purchased or otherwise, because we are the landlords of the property we already live on, and the tenants pay in cash, which we must collect and deposit into the bank so the property owners receive their income. Don't ask me why they don't direct deposit. I don't know. That's just how it is, and it's not up to me to change that. If we move, there will be no one to collect and deposit the rent. The tenants will be kicked out, the grandparents will lose their income, and the property will no longer be willed to my boyfriend when the grandparents die. Instead, it will be sold. That is OUR agreement. As long as my boyfriend is living at and taking care of the property, it will go to him and stay in the family. If he or any other family member is not living here, the grandparents see no reason to keep it in the family. They would rather sell or have it foreclosed on than let it sit empty.

Do you have any suggestions on how to get rid of the dog, other than killing him, or are you just here to tell me how to live my life?

P.S-- OP was not responding because OP has a job and a life to live away from the internet.
THERE is your answer. YOUR BF is landlord, yet he has no power??

Lol. So very young in mind and spirit. But, mid 20s you need to buck up to adult realities. No, you can live your life how you want. You want to rant and refute, so you are. MANY suggestions here are good and useful, as you requested, but I’ll bet others that actually know you describe you as “stubborn” to put it nicely. Btw, calling helpful and experienced people “ignorant” generally isn’t going to be well received. Remember, you are an adult in mid 20s, not a kid, so you may want to consider acting like an adult.
You choosing to take miniscule snippets of what I say out of context doesn't change my situation. Thanks for your opinion, and good day.
I, personally, did not tell you how to get rid of the dogwith any detail. I suggested electric fencing. Many other suggestions on this thread, by others.

re-read this post of yours above. YOU can leave the hell you are in. You BF can be visited. You can stay and work to make it less like “hell”. You and BF work and could prioritize buying the property from grandparents (since it would be sold if you left). You could try to figure out how to approach gp about new terms (if you don’t buy the land). I have a relative I need to approach/talk to differently than I normally would others bc I figured out that Particular relative responded best to an alternate approach highlighting certain aspects vs others (Based on things important to them...not me). I’d recommend before approaching them again to evaluate other ways of approaching them, and you might come up with a plan. Maybe they can’t be reasoned with...I certainly don’t know, but I do know results can differ based on approach.

Also, not to be a buzzkill on the anticipated inheritance of land, nor am I a lawyer, but BF only gets the land if it is clear title and not needed to paydebts. If gp needs to payfor elder type care, the land will be sold as required by Medicare. They have a 5 year look back too, so if land is sold to you and it looks like they were “hiding/protecting” assets, then that could be an issue. Anyway, land isn’t his and isnt guaranteed unless you are confident about asset/debt situation of gp. Food for thought.

I understand how the property situation works, so I don't need your advice on it. I am not interested in real estate advice. I am not interested in ideas for how to house my chickens. That aspect is already underway and in development. As I have stated countless times.

What I AM interested in are ideas or suggestions on how to remove an aggressive dog from the property.

I still see no suggestions from you on how to remove the aggressive dog from the property, only suggestions about how to live my life or where to live. Nothing about the dog. You have only offered the solution of electric fencing. We do not have permission to install electric fencing. Installing electric fencing will not eliminate the dog from the property. How many times do I have to say that?

If you have any other suggestions that are not "install electric fencing", they are welcome. Doesn't seem like you have any. And again. I do not have permission to install electric fencing. Also again. I can not afford to live on my own or buy or even rent a new or different house on my own at this time. Your opinion does not change my situation. Not does it change what the property owners allow us to do.
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