Look at What We Caught in Our Apartment!!!

I agree!! She is a little cutie.....The pet stores around here have them....I have never been brave enough to buy one though. I have alway's had the big hamster's like you are talking about. Well, as of right now I have rats
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We haven't named her yet! lol! (I'm worried she could be pregnant, but she's not plushy or fat at all...but you KNOW how rodents are...)

We had a hamster escape into our house once for about a month , at the time we had a field mouse problem but had to stop setting traps until we caught the kid's hamster. We finally caught her about a month later in the kitchen ceiling after ripping down a few tiles because we heard someone scurrying around up there. She was pregnant and had 1/2 hamster, 1/2 mouse babies .....​

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