Lookin like a coop!

Ok, I just found and re=read this article about dust baths. Looks like this recommendation is a bit different than what I had previously read. VERY informative and interesting. I may cut back on my wood ash as it is harder for me to find as we don't have a fireplace. We use a plastic kiddie pool for the dust bath.

the-chicken-chick.com is another great source of information. Here is the link to Dust Bath, The Ultimate Spa Treatment.

So you'll need to get out your measuring tape for this... the roost looks too small overall but measure it to see if that's just my eye or what.

Roost bars ideally should be spaced 18" apart. Top roost should be 12" away from the wall. Total amount of roost bar length (for 6 hens, I think? I don't remember if you mentioned if these are standard or bantam) should be about 6' total. You can fudge a little here or there but if the roosts are just too crowded and uncomfortable for them you might have a hard time getting the chickens to want to use them.

This part is just my opinion: the diameter of the bars should be at least 2". If it's too narrow it can get wobbly and the birds seem to sit more easily on branches/roosts that they don't have to wrap their toes all the way around on.
You are making good progress, keep at it! I am still a little worried about the chicken wire below the coop, but that is just me. We made 2 roosts that are 6ft long each for our 11 girls. This has proven to be about 3 ft longer than they actually use but I think more room is better than too little. On average we have 7-8 chickens on the top roost and the others on the bottom roost. One time I saw 5 on the top and 6 on the bottom but that was a fluke. Security cameras are fun!!!!

It looks like your roosts are a round dowel?? We read a lot of opinions and opted for 2x4's on their side with the corners rounded off. Still love poop boards for ease of cleaning.

Here is our coop. First pic shows our ramp, roosts(we can slip them out of the joist hangers if we want) and the poop boards below the roosts. We put cheap vinyl over the floor and are strong supporters of sand on the floor.

Here is our nest boxes. We put the sloped board to keep the girls from sitting on top and also gives you a storage spot for something. IF we had to do it again we would probably have made 4 boxes instead of 3 for our 11 girls. At times there is a wait for an empty nest.

Keep up the good posts and pictures, this is fun, isn't it??

So you'll need to get out your measuring tape for this... the roost looks too small overall but measure it to see if that's just my eye or what.

Roost bars ideally should be spaced 18" apart. Top roost should be 12" away from the wall. Total amount of roost bar length (for 6 hens, I think? I don't remember if you mentioned if these are standard or bantam) should be about 6' total. You can fudge a little here or there but if the roosts are just too crowded and uncomfortable for them you might have a hard time getting the chickens to want to use them.

This part is just my opinion: the diameter of the bars should be at least 2". If it's too narrow it can get wobbly and the birds seem to sit more easily on branches/roosts that they don't have to wrap their toes all the way around on.
Yea they are round dowls 1-1/4" they are 27" wide and there are 3 of them and you say 12" from the wall! Wow I hope I have enough room ....should the nest box be under the window or on the back side? I guess I will go back to the drawing board lol
You are making good progress, keep at it! I am still a little worried about the chicken wire below the coop, but that is just me. We made 2 roosts that are 6ft long each for our 11 girls. This has proven to be about 3 ft longer than they actually use but I think more room is better than too little. On average we have 7-8 chickens on the top roost and the others on the bottom roost. One time I saw 5 on the top and 6 on the bottom but that was a fluke. Security cameras are fun!!!!

It looks like your roosts are a round dowel?? We read a lot of opinions and opted for 2x4's on their side with the corners rounded off. Still love poop boards for ease of cleaning.

Here is our coop. First pic shows our ramp, roosts(we can slip them out of the joist hangers if we want) and the poop boards below the roosts. We put cheap vinyl over the floor and are strong supporters of sand on the floor.

Here is our nest boxes. We put the sloped board to keep the girls from sitting on top and also gives you a storage spot for something. IF we had to do it again we would probably have made 4 boxes instead of 3 for our 11 girls. At times there is a wait for an empty nest.

Keep up the good posts and pictures, this is fun, isn't it??
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Wow that's awesome looking!! Gives me some great ideas yes lots of fun.... and yes the bottom will have hardware cloth around as well...I wanted to make something to where I could pull out to clean
How big should the nest boxes be? If I have 6 hens...2 or 3 ...what 14x14x14?
Edit: I haven't even started on them so help with them would be greatly appreciated !
That'll do, 2 nests should be fine for 6 girls.
12x12x12 is minimum IMO,
I made mine 14x14x16 ...the extra height is nice,
as they stand when the egg comes out and you have to account for bedding depth
I use 3-4" of straw, a nice thick flake of it.
Make sure you front lip is 4-6".


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