Looking for a male saint bernard

I find it sad that people will spend months researching a TV, DVD player, or other purchase but when it comes to adding a living breathing creature that will live in their home for 10+ years the only consideration is the initial money that they spend and don't consider where the dog came from. "Just a pet" is the most grueling thing that a dog can do.

As for showing, there are many ways to prove that your dog is worthy of breeding. But "oh I think he is just the cutest dog ever" isn't an evaluation. We all think that our dogs are next to perfect. That is why it is important to have an impartial person evaluate your dog.

Honestly, a reputable breeder isn't going to be that much more expensive than your dogs from other sources. Price for a BYB GSD, $600. No health tests, no guarantee, just give me money and get the puppy out of my yard. Price for a dog from a good breeder, $900-$1000 depending on your area. Health tests, dogs evaluated to be stable and healthy. A lifetime of support from the breeder.

Those hunting dogs are a different case. They are hunting dogs - they prove their worth in the field. Do you know any local hunters who say "well, this coonhound couldn't track his way out of a paper bag but I could sell some cute puppies so I'll breed him anyway" Of course not. They stake their reputation on the abilities of their dogs. And an unhealthy dog isn't going to be worth anything in the field either. So that dog isn't going to be bred either. They don't "show" but they do evaluate the dogs carefully. With solid concrete proof of the dog's ability that they can prove to anyone who wants to see it.

The place to get a dog from a BYB is through rescue, where most of them end up anyway. Instead of giving money to someone and encouraging them to breed again, the money goes to the people working hard to clean up the mess they leave behind.
and the breeder that punk-a-doodle is describing isn't a RESPONSIBLE breeder. There is more to it than just one aspect - be it hips, elbows, temperament, or working ability.
As for the "modern standards" sorry, but the standards really haven't changed since the day that the breeds were created. The standard may be interpreted differently by different breeders but the standard remains the same.
I have a couple wonderful mentors and I know alot about this breed since I have owned my female for 3 years now. I dont claim to know everything however. I dont have to show to breed. That does not make you a better person or breeder. I never said being a beginner breeder was an excuse for anything. I said I was a beginner breeder not a BYB but think, assume, and take your frustrations out on someone if you have too. Alot of assuming going on....anyways here are puppy pics.
Daw. That one pup slumped over moms leg made me smile extra big. Too cute!
Us too.....he decided to get in that position while I was taking pics of others. I seen him and said I have to get that pic :)
As a show breeder then you should know that pet quality homes come from show breeders with pet quality pups in a litter and hunting dogs are proven through work merit...
I am not even close to being a child, though I do enjoy a frosty glass of chocolate milk to this day. ;) As a child, I spouted some of the same things I am hearing parroted here, and more... I am glad I grew to see past my own nose.

Please reread what I wrote HB. My statement did not imply that funds were going to places other than intended, nor that my personal issues arise from fears of people drinking lattes.

Actually, the level we take breeds and standards to these days is what I would consider modern in historical terms, not just any interpretation changes and written changes that occur. Breed origination and development makes for an interesting read. I was also not speaking purely of dogs, though dogs and horses seem to be the main fuel for labeling people "responsible" and "irresponsible" in the US arena of animal ownership and breeding.
Lol I did not think you were a child. I new it hbwright and others cant read!
I am not even close to being a child, though I do enjoy a frosty glass of chocolate milk to this day. ;) As a child, I spouted some of the same things I am hearing parroted here, and more... I am glad I grew to see past my own nose.

Please reread what I wrote HB. My statement did not imply that funds were going to places other than intended, nor that my personal issues arise from fears of people drinking lattes.

Actually, the level we take breeds and standards to these days is what I would consider modern in historical terms, not just any interpretation changes and written changes that occur. Breed origination and development makes for an interesting read. I was also not speaking purely of dogs, though dogs and horses seem to be the main fuel for labeling people "responsible" and "irresponsible" in the US arena of animal ownership and breeding.

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