looking for opinions on breeds

My favorite breed are buff orpingtons!
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speckled sussex are nice. They are beautiful and mine survived being almost eaten by a bob cat. she is never mean to the silkies but doesn't get bossed around. she is a pretty good layer, too.
If your looking at hatchery production reds and rhode island there's no difference that I can find. If your looking at good RIR from a breeder there is a huge difference. The RIR is a bigger bird, has a different shape and a dark righ color. The production reds will lay sooner eat less feed per egg, lay more often and production may drop off dramatically after the second laying season. Ones not really better than the other both fill a different need or want.
Thank you Eric. We bought 2 Rhode Island Reds, from a gentleman that purchsed online. We bought them at 6 months old, and are now about 1 year old. They laid app. 2 eggs a day this summer, and app 1 egg a day (or every other day) this winter. Their offspring are a mix between rir, and ameraucana, & barred rock.

ALso, we have a mix between a salmon favorelle and (either) an ameraucana, or barred rock (mix).
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We have Black Australorps and they are very docile. My daughter often catches them and carries them around. I actually caught her trying to smuggle one into the house once :) We have no Roosters, so I don't know if that makes a difference or not with the hens. The breeder I got my girls from said her Black Australorp Rooster is very aggressive when approached.

Also, they lay like crazy!! An egg a day without fail. Nice large brown eggs. My girls are only 6 months old and are laying perfect eggs daily :)

Good luck!!!

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