looking for opinions on breeds

I live in PA, and we get some pretty cold winters. I have raised the typical Barred Rock, Australorp, Orpington, and do NOT recommend them. Yes, they will live through the winter, but they will not be comfortable. You need a bird with a small comb/wattles. Smaller combs/wattles means less heat loss through the head, as well less chances of frostbite.

The following egg layers are more suitable for cold winters.
Rosecomb Ancona, Ameraucanas, Buckeyes, Brahma, Chanteclers, Dominiques, Rosecomb Dorking, Easter Egger, Hamburg, Rosecomb Leghorn, Rosecomb Rhode Island Red, Wyandotte, and Russian Orloff.
I have the silver laced wyandotte. Good layers with large eggs(+). My roo is very protective and aggressive(-). DK
Great layers, heavy breed, beautiful, and great pets too! My favorite of my hens is my plymouth rock Starburst
Very sweet, beautiful, Great layer...i could go on and on. Everyday i carry her around the gardens...Sometimes when she walks she will stop and squawk untill i pick her up! I love her soooo much!!!
orpingtons, wyandottes, ameraucana, australorp. the best (for me) would be orpingtons- sweet and friendly and dependable layers of 5-6 BIG brown eggs a week.
I just purchased an order of 7 chicks from the my petchickens. 2 were dead upon arrival and all they give back is the price of the chicks. I would not recommend it. I have a good person to get your silkies from She is in Florida
I absolutely love our Barred Rock. I am originally from MI and my friends always had Barred Rocks (it gets cold up there). They are brown egg layers, cold resistant, lay an egg a day (per bird) and at least our gal, is a wonderful pet! She loves to be petted and handled. We also have a Golden Brahma and an Americauna-also great gals, nice temperments, however it takes a little longer for them to start laying like the Barred Rock. Good luck!

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