looking for opinions on breeds

I sell my eggs as well and I use the red and black stars. The feed conversion, foraging ability, and attitude are great. What I do is use the different colors to tell how old they are. Happy Egg Selling
I am almost finished with the chicken house. I will be purchasing Silkies. Can any of you recomend a hatchery?
I heard that the Barred rocks are a hardy breed.
I have three Barred Rock. They are very smart and friendly. They know their names and walk in a line with their two Black australorp flockmates. When I tell them it's time to go in the chicken house, they do. They are happy to be recognized by name and told they are nice and neat. In the coup they will parade in a circle to be the one to be complimented by name on how nice and neat they are. I have been told they lay a fine large egg. I'm still waiting. But they are concentrating on it. They are 19wks. The time is soon as they have started building fine round nests and acting like adult hens reciently.Their feathers are very soft. I would not be able to comment on your climate as I am in the southern region of the country.
You would not be displeased with Barred Rock as your choice as they get along well with others so you could choose again and know they would get along well.
Thats amazing. Who says chickens are stupid. when i hear stories like that, i feel so sorry for the ones that are in big commercial places where they never leave the small cages they're locked in. So cruel.
I've got a nice big chicken run I'm building for mine. I just finished the fence yesterday. Worked all after noon. almost 35 feet long.

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