Losing chickens to the fox


May 23, 2020
Just had a fox strike for the third time. First time, lost a bantam a couple of weeks ago. Two days ago, we lost our lame guinea fowl and today, an ISA brown. Our birds free range during the day and are safely locked up at night. Last two times, I heard a commotion and saw the fox, presumably after it had done the deed as I chased it off and the chicken was missing. Found a big patch of feathers and a trail of odd ones disappearing into the forest.

Anything I can do to dissuade it? Would it help to keep the birds inside for a few days so it learns there isn't free food walking around the property? Shooting it isn't an option.

As long as the chickens are gone, keeping them in will help.
However, some foxes go on rampages, kill several birds, and leave the body. Nothing will deter them then.
Keep them in and make sure you don't have any other food sources for it.
Good luck!
Anything I can do to dissuade it? Would it help to keep the birds inside for a few days so it learns there isn't free food walking around the property?
Keeping the birds locked up will dissuade it....
....for more than a few days because it will keep checking back.
Would having a dog around dissuade them? We've been thinking of getting one for a while, this could be the push we need!
Would having a dog around dissuade them? We've been thinking of getting one for a while, this could be the push we need!

For a week or two maybe. The fox will pattern a dog that isn’t actively chasing it off. It’ll learn what times of day Fido is likely inside napping or otherwise detained and work the windows.
Would having a dog around dissuade them? We've been thinking of getting one for a while, this could be the push we need!
May take more than one dog if chickens spreading out over a large area. My three adult dogs have trouble keeping Red Fox totally off property where chickens forage because area is to big. Current approach for chickens around house is to let them out only in latter part of day so ranging not so far.

Dog needs to be fast with prey drive. Not all LGD's have needed speed for fox doing snatch and grab.

Consider using hotwire. Chickens will run through it even when zapped while fox will be leary. Better yet, fence and dog. Dog will prove expensive. I do dogs because also fun and have chickens spread out over several acres.
You will loose birds free ranging them. I now have nice large covered pens for my birds. We are rural. I have had about every predator. Everything I have done to protect them is from losses in the past. I have electric wires around my pens and coops, concrete under the gates and heavy duty netting covering the pens. I was tired of loosing birds to predators. Here is a good article for free ranging. Good luck...

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