Lost a pullet over a month ago.

Christie Loves Silkies

8 Years
Sep 13, 2011
Centeral Victoria, Australia
I lost one of my girls over a month ago.
She was a silkie and was broody at the time.

My mum noticed that her eggs were gone.
No cracked shells or anything.
Near her nest I found lots of her down feathers and some of her saddle feathers.

But her body was not in my yard.
No blood, only feathers.
I haven't had problems with predators before.
I am in Australia and I'm un sure if we have different predators.

Today I was in the yard, and I came across a lot of her wing feathers, they weren't in the yard at all when this all happened a month ago.

Any guesses on what did this?

I am totally clueless.
That happened to me once. I figured a dog did it, as they kill out of playing, and will usually play with the parts rather than eat them. And we get stray dogs here.
I've never had problems with dogs coming into my has it's all fenced off.
But my neighbors cat is always in my yard.
Is it possible for a cat to do it?

None of my other birds were harmed.
Also about a little bit more then a week before I lost my pullet, I can home from work and noticed some of the chicken wire as cut off my coop..
The whole thing seems just really stranage....

Nothing can get the chicken wire off my chicken coop without it being cut.

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