"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I am in search of either Blue Slate or Lavender turkey hatching eggs or poults... I realize it is late in the season but if anyone has or knows of someone please let me know Thanks
Terri, I will let you know as people contact me. I get calls weekly for peas.
Thanks -- the ones I want to sell are D'artagnan - my progressive bronze white-eye male & the two IB split white girls. They would make a nice breeding trio for somebody. I'm keeping the two white girls and the black shoulder silver pied I hatched from them last year, plus Romeo (Sorry, Romeo is NOT FOR SALE)!
Hey John they were starting work on ya'lls new house early this morning! You'll be out here before you know it!
Terri, I will let you know as people contact me. I get calls weekly for peas.

Thanks -- the ones I want to sell are D'artagnan - my progressive bronze white-eye male & the two IB split white girls. They would make a nice breeding trio for somebody. I'm keeping the two white girls and the black shoulder silver pied I hatched from them last year, plus Romeo (Sorry, Romeo is NOT FOR SALE)!

I put my 3 whites out yesterday with the others. Everything is going ok so far. I knew that Princec(ess) would not take to them too kindly. She pecked at them for a few but then settled down. I guess she is seeing her triplets.

Lockdown was last night for the 13 pea eggs in the bator. I had a power outage on this weekend for an hour and have been having problems with humidity and off temps, so if no eggs hatch, I won't be disappointed. Would kinda be happy then I won't have to worry about babies. :oops:
Oh and of course I have been having scovys hatching all week. :barnie Seems like they are falling from the sky. Nowadays, it is not surprising when I get back from work and see ducklings waddling around the chicken yard. I just tell them hello and continue on with my chores and tend to them later. :barnie
I have a question for y'all: I just bought 50 broilers for the first time and they will be here on Wednesday, with the heat we are having right now what age can I put them outside? It seems like a waste to keep them cooped up in the brooder for 2-3 weeks if I can send them outside with more room and fresh grass as the temps at night are still 90+. Also, the longer they are out there the less frogs I will have to deal with. I have grass that needs to be mowed twice weekly or it will grow to your knees and those quarter sized frogs are outnumbering my grass blades.
I have a question for y'all: I just bought 50 broilers for the first time and they will be here on Wednesday, with the heat we are having right now what age can I put them outside? It seems like a waste to keep them cooped up in the brooder for 2-3 weeks if I can send them outside with more room and fresh grass as the temps at night are still 90+. Also, the longer they are out there the less frogs I will have to deal with. I have grass that needs to be mowed twice weekly or it will grow to your knees and those quarter sized frogs are outnumbering my grass blades.

What kind did you get?

even still yet you will need to keep them up for at least 2 weeks but anyway broilers aren't the best thing to put out for foraging they simply don't have the gumption to do so they are designed to eat, rest ,and grow over and over and over for just merely weeks till processing time some of the freedom rangers and the red and black broilers will do better than the cornishX's will do but don't expect them to make for good yard chickens its like that instinct is not in their DNA.


hope the best for ya
gonna have a big feed bill with those guys for sure no way around that one

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I can handle the feed bill for the peace of mind knowing where they came from and how they were treated. I bought black broilers from Ideal Poultry, they had a sale for 1.15 a chick for 25+ and no shipping. I was looking into the CornishX's, but I have heard a lot of bad things on the breed as far as death. Also, they seem to cost much more (avg $3) for a chick that can die on the spot that has nothing to do with my management or decision to cull. I would buy the blacks, reds, and Freedom Rangers at that price because I can alter their feeding to prevent the same issues. I am trying to be as humane as possible for the short life they will have to put good food on my table. Thank you for your response.
I can handle the feed bill for the peace of mind knowing where they came from and how they were treated. I bought black broilers from Ideal Poultry, they had a sale for 1.15 a chick for 25+ and no shipping. I was looking into the CornishX's, but I have heard a lot of bad things on the breed as far as death. Also, they seem to cost much more (avg $3) for a chick that can die on the spot that has nothing to do with my management or decision to cull. I would buy the blacks, reds, and Freedom Rangers at that price because I can alter their feeding to prevent the same issues. I am trying to be as humane as possible for the short life they will have to put good food on my table. Thank you for your response.

Keep us posted on their growth. I wish you good luck with them. :thumbsup

What do you plan on feeding them?

If I had a plucker, I wouldn't mind getting some Cornish but that's a lot of work to process but some good eating. :D
i will have to bathe the 3 white pea adolescents. They touched ground yesterday and are a bit dirty. :/ Well, I can't have that at my place. Princess won't stand for it. She remains spotless and can't stand for any other white peas to have a speck of dirt on them. She's funny like that ya know. :p

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