"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

i will have to bathe the 3 white pea adolescents. They touched ground yesterday and are a bit dirty. :/ Well, I can't have that at my place. Princess won't stand for it. She remains spotless and can't stand for any other white peas to have a speck of dirt on them. She's funny like that ya know. :p

Sounds like that manners school you sent Princess to really worked. Lol
i will have to bathe the 3 white pea adolescents. They touched ground yesterday and are a bit dirty. :/ Well, I can't have that at my place. Princess won't stand for it. She remains spotless and can't stand for any other white peas to have a speck of dirt on them. She's funny like that ya know. :p

Sounds like that manners school you sent Princess to really worked. Lol



Oh yea, she turned her nose up at them when I placed the younger ones in the pen with them. She walked around them and sniffed them out and checked them out right before she pecked the CRAP out of them. I think they had to get permission to roost last night. She denied them up until this morning and she allowed them to fly up to roost. :/
Hey all
Hope you all are staying cool.

Wow, its been rough around here for the people......thankfully all the pets are doing good. All of us have been taking turns have this bad summer cold that results in fever and bronchitis. Both kids have been on antibiotics, breathing treatments with a nebulizer and other meds. Now the kids have "shared" their germs with me......I guess I give to many kisses. I decided to try some Echinacea from the store and some Yarrow that I made a tincture from awhile back. I am not sure if that is a futile effort or not. I just hate going to the doctor! Did someone say I am stubborn??

I did get some things done anyway yesterday. A bit of laundry (how exciting! Lol!). I also mixed up a beautiful batch of soap. It has Calendula and Buttermilk. It is a request from my sister for her boys and a friend. Their kids have eczema and sensitive skin that requires a very gentle soap with no chemical additives. It came out so nice! We also put together a batch of cotton candy lip balm. I love the feel of it. But its my first time using the cotton candy flavor. It looks great and my girls love it, but my lips do not. I will stick with just the natural essential oils for my personal lip balms. One of my fav has chocolate and peppermint! Now that one is awesome!

We also got to spend some time just chilling outside with the hens. I am really going to miss these times when the kids go back to school. We have fun just watching the hens and seeing their funny antics. Like our little Cochin roo that calls to the hens to tell them about a yummy treat he found for them. He even will break up a tomato and drop it back on the ground for them. Its so sweet! And you know something funny......seeing hens sun themselves in this HOT weather! I would think they would head straight for the shade when I let them out. But they all take a few minutes to catch some rays while laying on their side, with outstretched leg and wing. Funny birds!
i will have to bathe the 3 white pea adolescents. They touched ground yesterday and are a bit dirty.
Well, I can't have that at my place. Princess won't stand for it. She remains spotless and can't stand for any other white peas to have a speck of dirt on them. She's funny like that ya know.
I need to wash mine, too. They are more off-white than white right now! Hope you get your white male out of the new ones!
Hey all
Hope you all are staying cool.

Wow, its been rough around here for the people......thankfully all the pets are doing good. All of us have been taking turns have this bad summer cold that results in fever and bronchitis. Both kids have been on antibiotics, breathing treatments with a nebulizer and other meds. Now the kids have "shared" their germs with me......I guess I give to many kisses. I decided to try some Echinacea from the store and some Yarrow that I made a tincture from awhile back. I am not sure if that is a futile effort or not. I just hate going to the doctor! Did someone say I am stubborn??

I did get some things done anyway yesterday. A bit of laundry (how exciting! Lol!). I also mixed up a beautiful batch of soap. It has Calendula and Buttermilk. It is a request from my sister for her boys and a friend. Their kids have eczema and sensitive skin that requires a very gentle soap with no chemical additives. It came out so nice! We also put together a batch of cotton candy lip balm. I love the feel of it. But its my first time using the cotton candy flavor. It looks great and my girls love it, but my lips do not. I will stick with just the natural essential oils for my personal lip balms. One of my fav has chocolate and peppermint! Now that one is awesome!

We also got to spend some time just chilling outside with the hens. I am really going to miss these times when the kids go back to school. We have fun just watching the hens and seeing their funny antics. Like our little Cochin roo that calls to the hens to tell them about a yummy treat he found for them. He even will break up a tomato and drop it back on the ground for them. Its so sweet! And you know something funny......seeing hens sun themselves in this HOT weather! I would think they would head straight for the shade when I let them out. But they all take a few minutes to catch some rays while laying on their side, with outstretched leg and wing. Funny birds!
Cotton candy lip balm wouldn't do it for me -- I'd be licking it off & keep my lips chapped!
the soap sounds lovely; you make such nice soap!

I've seen my girls laying around in the sun, too. Silly birds!
i will have to bathe the 3 white pea adolescents. They touched ground yesterday and are a bit dirty. :/ Well, I can't have that at my place. Princess won't stand for it. She remains spotless and can't stand for any other white peas to have a speck of dirt on them. She's funny like that ya know. :p

I need to wash mine, too. They are more off-white than white right now! Hope you get your white male out of the new ones!

I hope the 3 Amigos that are in there right now have at least 1 male in the bunch. Then I will sell the other 2 whites. So many people want those white peas. Who knew they would be so popular.
It is funny that the girls do the sun bathing thing even on a hot hot day huh? but this is a natural way of getting a daily dose of vitamin D and too the sun's rays kills of harmful bacterias too, so its funny(crazy) to us but necessary too. FYI for the day LOL :D Who ever said chickens were dumb ?LOL

It is funny that the girls do the sun bathing thing even on a hot hot day huh? but this is a natural way of getting a daily dose of vitamin D and too the sun's rays kills of harmful bacterias too, so its funny(crazy) to us but necessary too. FYI for the day LOL :D Who ever said chickens were dumb ?LOL


Salena was on her side in the sun this afternoon and I thought she was dead. She was fine, just sunbathing.
Our little seramas are handling the heat just fine not even panting while all the LF are panting heavily with wings slightly out. We still have some seramas for sale - trios or single roos if anyone is interested.
It is funny that the girls do the sun bathing thing even on a hot hot day huh? but this is a natural way of getting a daily dose of vitamin D and too the sun's rays kills of harmful bacterias too, so its funny(crazy) to us but necessary too. FYI for the day LOL :D Who ever said chickens were dumb ?LOL


Salena was on her side in the sun this afternoon and I thought she was dead. She was fine, just sunbathing.

It cracks me up when I get caught off guard thinking, "Is she ok??!" And I have to stare at the chicken for a minute until it kicks up more dirt. The chicken are probably thinking I handed lost my mind! Haha!

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