"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I am building a run for them right now, just have to wait for the paint to dry so I can put it together. I found the same design for meat bird runs so many times on this site that I decided to build one. I will be posting pictures and keeping track as this is my first batch for meat. I ordered a camera yesterday after searching for a year for mine, then I found mine today...go figure, that's kids for you! Do you not have the space or is it a problem with containment? I hope they forage as I have an overload of quarter sized frogs and large earthworms. I have a cross fenced yard and the wild ducks and geese have cleared their area of the small frogs, I plan to put the broilers in the middle of them, and my flock on the other side have eaten them all. My current flock will fly over the fence and nudge the lawn mower wheel because every time I mow it sends a good amount of frogs and bugs to them.

No, we really don't have the room. We kept them cooped up because we had too. We had purchased 20 from McMurray. I think 5 would be a better # for here. Plus I do worry that someone will realize we are going to EAT them and then go postal on us. I read stories all the time about people freaking out that someone is going to butcher chickens. Meanwhile they just had fried chicken for dinner......Hahaha! Maybe someday I will have a few acres.

I think one of the things that helped us succeed without any premature deaths was a vitamin/mineral supplement that I purchased and it came with the chicks. It has the nutrients that will help the CornishX build strong bones. As well as a little design thing in the brooder that I think may have helped to build up their leg/thigh muscles. They had an "inside" with the light, and an "outside" that was not so protected from weather. As they got bigger they would have to squat and scoot through the door to go outside and play. Of course we eventually had to move them because they got too big. But for that week their little thighs got a good workout with all those squats. We didn't have any with leg problems. We did also mix in a couple of bags of higher protein game bird feed starting when they were a week old. During the last 10 days we gave them 50/50 their regular crumbles and scratch that had plenty of corn in it. The finished birds have a nice amount of fat, but not too much.

This pic shows their little doorway.......this was still in the "Cute phase" which didn't last long. They got ugly fast.
No, we really don't have the room. We kept them cooped up because we had too. We had purchased 20 from McMurray. I think 5 would be a better # for here. Plus I do worry that someone will realize we are going to EAT them and then go postal on us. I read stories all the time about people freaking out that someone is going to butcher chickens. Meanwhile they just had fried chicken for dinner......Hahaha! Maybe someday I will have a few acres.

I think one of the things that helped us succeed without any premature deaths was a vitamin/mineral supplement that I purchased and it came with the chicks. It has the nutrients that will help the CornishX build strong bones. As well as a little design thing in the brooder that I think may have helped to build up their leg/thigh muscles. They had an "inside" with the light, and an "outside" that was not so protected from weather. As they got bigger they would have to squat and scoot through the door to go outside and play. Of course we eventually had to move them because they got too big. But for that week their little thighs got a good workout with all those squats. We didn't have any with leg problems. We did also mix in a couple of bags of higher protein game bird feed starting when they were a week old. During the last 10 days we gave them 50/50 their regular crumbles and scratch that had plenty of corn in it. The finished birds have a nice amount of fat, but not too much.

This pic shows their little doorway.......this was still in the "Cute phase" which didn't last long. They got ugly fast.
LOL yeah theirs(fried chicken) just came from Wal-mart is all they know.

Little story on that some day maybe.LOL

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No, we really don't have the room. We kept them cooped up because we had too. We had purchased 20 from McMurray. I think 5 would be a better # for here. Plus I do worry that someone will realize we are going to EAT them and then go postal on us. I read stories all the time about people freaking out that someone is going to butcher chickens. Meanwhile they just had fried chicken for dinner......Hahaha! Maybe someday I will have a few acres.

I think one of the things that helped us succeed without any premature deaths was a vitamin/mineral supplement that I purchased and it came with the chicks. It has the nutrients that will help the CornishX build strong bones. As well as a little design thing in the brooder that I think may have helped to build up their leg/thigh muscles. They had an "inside" with the light, and an "outside" that was not so protected from weather. As they got bigger they would have to squat and scoot through the door to go outside and play. Of course we eventually had to move them because they got too big. But for that week their little thighs got a good workout with all those squats. We didn't have any with leg problems. We did also mix in a couple of bags of higher protein game bird feed starting when they were a week old. During the last 10 days we gave them 50/50 their regular crumbles and scratch that had plenty of corn in it. The finished birds have a nice amount of fat, but not too much.

This pic shows their little doorway.......this was still in the "Cute phase" which didn't last long. They got ugly fast.

awwww how cute. People sure don't know where their food comes from anymore. I have a friend that I asked to help me out on processing day in exchange for a few canned to take home as his wife doesn't cook, this is what I got from her: You are a girl, you're not allowed to do that! Any way why would you kill some sweet little animal when walmart makes their own chicken and they don't have to kill anything to get it?" I live in the country, my neighbors and theirs both have livestock of all kinds, and I go hunting with her husband. Where was it lost??? You would think with this area she should know what is going in her mouth. She thinks she has never eaten an animal, Wait until I tell her that great T-bone at the cookout was from the cow we butchered two weeks ago. I currently put a vitamin/mineral supplement and acv in my flock water. The supplement is every three days to help with the heat, where as the acv is to reduce the slime and prevent growth. It seems no matter how many times a day you clean the water container it finds a way to feel slimy. I stopped buying scratch a while ago because it is about 50% corn and my flock won't touch corn for some reason. I ended up with onion hearts, okra, tomatoes, cabbage, and wild bird feed for snacks. My rooster has a habit of flying in any window that he hears my voice in and that's how we ended up with what they like fresh. He is a really good rescue, they said he was evil but from day one with me he has wanted to be with me. He flew to the counter and stole my fresh baked okra, then climed on my shoulder and when I went to the fridge stole a tomato and brought it to the girls. They steal onions out of my compost, and love just about any seed or leftover meat. I only let him inside the house because he won't "go" in there. Before I owned chickens I had no clue how much they love meat, mine will fight over deer.

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