"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Chick fever!!

I realized today that I scheduled my daughter's bday party for Day 20. Oops. Hope there aren't any emergencies while I'm partying with the 5 and 6 yos.

Yesterday my 83 yo grandma fell down some stairs and broke her ankle. Today my husband slipped on his way down from the 35-ft high ropes course and fell a couple of feet before the harness caught him. Our oven is going out, and there's mold in the guestroom from a water leak months ago. We're going to Georgia for a week at the end of this month, then I'm planning a bday party for my husband. Then he's going backpacking again. Then we're going to San Antonio for a week. Then my boy turns 3, and my chicken friends are having a baby girl. So by April I should be able to take a breath and hatch some babies!

I have this old cast iron claw foot bathtub in the yard that I always wanted to make into a fountain, or an herb garden... Something cool. I've had it about six years and it's never been anything but an eyesore. Now I think it would be a perfect brooder. So, we'll see if this plan sticks. I haven't told anyone, so no one else will have a chance to talk me out of it. :lau

WHEW. That's a lot of words. I guess I've missed y'all. ;)
This is my best hatch and the first time I let them lay. The article I read is helping a egg hatch it mentioned saddle cells but I didn't read the whole thing. Pam
Found it Pam. Thank you :)

It reminded me of a question I wanted to ask you or anyone else. Since I marked the saddle shape of the air cells already with a regular pencil is it ok to use a colored pencil to mark the progression?
That would be my thought too. But they went to the carton that I was keeping on the kitchen table. I had the ones I was saving in there so I could remember to turn the carton. I had all of them in there together. Who knows, maybe my broody has hot spots, lol. It is her first time after all.
Magic, the broody hen :)
Chick fever!!

I realized today that I scheduled my daughter's bday party for Day 20. Oops. Hope there aren't any emergencies while I'm partying with the 5 and 6 yos.

Yesterday my 83 yo grandma fell down some stairs and broke her ankle. Today my husband slipped on his way down from the 35-ft high ropes course and fell a couple of feet before the harness caught him. Our oven is going out, and there's mold in the guestroom from a water leak months ago. We're going to Georgia for a week at the end of this month, then I'm planning a bday party for my husband. Then he's going backpacking again. Then we're going to San Antonio for a week. Then my boy turns 3, and my chicken friends are having a baby girl. So by April I should be able to take a breath and hatch some babies!

I have this old cast iron claw foot bathtub in the yard that I always wanted to make into a fountain, or an herb garden... Something cool. I've had it about six years and it's never been anything but an eyesore. Now I think it would be a perfect brooder. So, we'll see if this plan sticks. I haven't told anyone, so no one else will have a chance to talk me out of it.

WHEW. That's a lot of words. I guess I've missed y'all.
Camping, sorry to hear about your Grandma. Hope she mends well. :(
Your Hubby had a close call.

Edit: Remember the old Calgon commercials. "Calgon Take Me Away"
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So, I might be able to pick up some [COLOR=141823]Appenzeller Spitzhauben chicks that are 1-2 weeks old. Has anyone raised this breed before? Any thoughts? [/COLOR]

[COLOR=141823]They look very pretty and lay eggs well from what I read.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=141823]Pam - those are some good looking chicks. Glad everything worked out.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=141823]Top dog - I am excited to see your website and hope all goes well with the business venture.[/COLOR]

Thanks Cody , I don't know about that breed good luck to you if you get them. Pam
Camping, sorry to hear about your Grandma. Hope she mends well. :(
Your Hubby had a close call. :/

Edit: Remember the old Calgon commercials. "Calgon Take Me Away":D

Yes he did! I'm glad he's responsible enough to always clip in. I put him under the electric blanket, made him drink some water, watched him eat, all that. He's already sore, so tomorrow's going to be awful. He's worked ropes courses for more than 10 years without incident, so even a slip has him badly rattled.
Found it Pam. Thank you :)

It reminded me of a question I wanted to ask you or anyone else. Since I marked the saddle shape of the air cells already with a regular pencil is it ok to use a colored pencil to mark the progression?

As long as it's grafite it should be ok. Or nontoxic. Pam
Chick fever!!

I realized today that I scheduled my daughter's bday party for Day 20. Oops. Hope there aren't any emergencies while I'm partying with the 5 and 6 yos.

Yesterday my 83 yo grandma fell down some stairs and broke her ankle. Today my husband slipped on his way down from the 35-ft high ropes course and fell a couple of feet before the harness caught him. Our oven is going out, and there's mold in the guestroom from a water leak months ago. We're going to Georgia for a week at the end of this month, then I'm planning a bday party for my husband. Then he's going backpacking again. Then we're going to San Antonio for a week. Then my boy turns 3, and my chicken friends are having a baby girl. So by April I should be able to take a breath and hatch some babies!

I have this old cast iron claw foot bathtub in the yard that I always wanted to make into a fountain, or an herb garden... Something cool. I've had it about six years and it's never been anything but an eyesore. Now I think it would be a perfect brooder. So, we'll see if this plan sticks. I haven't told anyone, so no one else will have a chance to talk me out of it. :lau

WHEW. That's a lot of words. I guess I've missed y'all. ;)

Wow what a busy day, I hope everyone mends well. Pam
I'm so relieved she hatched out 2 more! These are makes like solid black I believe. I'm so thrilled she is taking good care of them. The other 2 have pipped, so hopefully they will all make it through. The oldest is so adorable peeking out!


Mom looks like a Carnation.
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Chick fever!!

I realized today that I scheduled my daughter's bday party for Day 20. Oops. Hope there aren't any emergencies while I'm partying with the 5 and 6 yos.

Yesterday my 83 yo grandma fell down some stairs and broke her ankle. Today my husband slipped on his way down from the 35-ft high ropes course and fell a couple of feet before the harness caught him. Our oven is going out, and there's mold in the guestroom from a water leak months ago. We're going to Georgia for a week at the end of this month, then I'm planning a bday party for my husband. Then he's going backpacking again. Then we're going to San Antonio for a week. Then my boy turns 3, and my chicken friends are having a baby girl. So by April I should be able to take a breath and hatch some babies!

I have this old cast iron claw foot bathtub in the yard that I always wanted to make into a fountain, or an herb garden... Something cool. I've had it about six years and it's never been anything but an eyesore. Now I think it would be a perfect brooder. So, we'll see if this plan sticks. I haven't told anyone, so no one else will have a chance to talk me out of it. :lau

WHEW. That's a lot of words. I guess I've missed y'all. ;)

Wow! Hopefully everyone has a speedy recovery.

Love a claw foot tub. Would have never thought of it as a brooder. If you can keep it warm sounds like it would work!

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