"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

70% chance of SNOW tomorrow night here! can you believe it?
I ended up with 19 new chicklets, so very pleased here! pics are posted in the "raising baby chicks" link if anybody is interested!
about the new babies, not the snow. Congrats, Terri, on your hatch! I just moved my new babies to brooders this morning. I think I had my best hatch ever with this hatch. Chickies coming outta my ears.............Put 102 eggs into the hatcher, and had 92 hatch-not too shabby, I think.
That is really crazy on the snow!! Seems like this winter doesn't wanna leave. I checked out you babies and they are entirely too cute!! Congrats!

Hi everyone:

Several of you wanted me to post pics of my colt when it arrived. He was born this past weekend on Sat am. We are so excited. His name is Spirt.
Thank you again Missi 1197 for your help!!!


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