"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Lucky duck re Metairie. I'm in Orleans Parish, and am limited to 4 animals per address (more than 4 is a kennel, which isn't allowed in residential zones). I think I'll conveniently mis-read the definition of a kennel as "more than 4 chickens, 4 cats, and 4 dogs". And I own a double, so one day I'll mail order my 5 pullets, and away we'll go!

Be sure to check the Jeff Parish zoning for setbacks and such for your coop/run. Good luck!
and good luck. You'll have a blast!!

That's cute!! Bet they were having a blast!! I had something like that happen with my babies.. I don't really remember how old they were but I had just put them in the large brooder I had just made and was changing their food and water. Well that had some food left in their feeder so I took some newspaper and layed it down and poured the food on it. They thought it was the best dust bath that was ever invented!! Left and went to work and when I came home it looked like confetti city in there. They had torn that newspaper up from here to kimgdom come!! What a mess!!

I have a question about shell less eggs.

I found one Wednesday on top of the nesting boxes still intact perfect yoke inside and everything. Well I went out there about 5 am this morning to check for eggs again becuase one was still in the box when I checked before I went to work Thursday night and I noticed another was layed when they were roosting and it was busted on the ground.

I researched it a bit and some say when they start laying like that they will continue to lay them and others say that it's just a malfuction of their body trying to get the laying part down pat. What do you think?

I'm seriously not really worried unless it means there's something wrong with them or is there something I can give them to help change the pattern.

Right now they get Flock Raiser 24/7 I also have this container that I got a TSC (it's meant for horses for their mineral blocks) it has 2 seperate containers side by side and I keep one side full of Oyster sheels and the other full of grit. They also get a couple of cups of scratch grains & BOSS everyday.

So what do you think??

Just thought I'd say hello. I live in Bogalusa, that's about 63 miles north of New Orleans for those who may have not heard. If you blink your eyes when driving thru, you'll miss it.

I raise Silkies, Delaware hens with a RIR roo, Bourbon Red turkeys, and Royal Palm turkeys. I also raise and show Jersey Wooly rabbits.

Go through Bogalusa frequently going to mother in laws in Wiggins Ms.
Go through fast.(kids still have not gotten used to the smell of the mill)

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