"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

HELP NEEDED......Phyllis Diller, my 11-week old bantam Polish hen is very lethargic and won't eat this morning.  I just separated her from the rest of the flock so I don't know how her droppings look yet.  Her crop is empty. No physical signs of injury or illness. Checked for lice, mites - she's clean.  What should I do?

Heat related maybe?
HELP NEEDED......Phyllis Diller, my 11-week old bantam Polish hen is very lethargic and won't eat this morning.  I just separated her from the rest of the flock so I don't know how her droppings look yet.  Her crop is empty. No physical signs of injury or illness. Checked for lice, mites - she's clean.  What should I do?

My cure for a lot of things is apple cider vinegar on the water and plain yogurt. A bloody stool I give co-rid. But, I learned those two things from the experienced people on this thread, so I'm sure they can help you a lot more. But, for now ACV and yogurt wouldn't hurt I wouldn't think. Good luck.
My cure for a lot of things is apple cider vinegar on the water and plain yogurt. A bloody stool I give co-rid. But, I learned those two things from the experienced people on this thread, so I'm sure they can help you a lot more. But, for now ACV and yogurt wouldn't hurt I wouldn't think. Good luck.

Started my 1st batch of fermented feed today for the chicks! Tomorrow ill be starting a bucket for the hens :) wish me luck! If this works out and they eat it lol I see a whole lot less waste in my future! And hopefully even happier girls.
Started my 1st batch of fermented feed today for the chicks! Tomorrow ill be starting a bucket for the hens
wish me luck! If this works out and they eat it lol I see a whole lot less waste in my future! And hopefully even happier girls.
I just started raising chickens a few months ago and have seen people mention this a lot. What exactly is fermented feed??????
Thanks guys. It looks like it was more heat related. I gave her fresh water with ACV then, as suggested earlier, some water with a little honey in it. She perked up and seems just fine now. This morning she's good too. I'm keeping a close eye on her but I think she's okay.

It's so comforting to know that I have this group to lean on! Thank you!
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I just started raising chickens a few months ago and have seen people mention this a lot. What exactly is fermented feed??????
Its basically the feed that you get at the store that you well, ferment. You stick it in a bucket, mix some things into it, and a few days later you feed it to the chickies. I first came across it on the meat bird section. Fermented feed increases the nutrients and they eat less, saving food costs, which is extremely important for meat production. It works fine on regular hens too,

I think it's a great idea though, but I haven't tried it yet and probably won't until we move.
Quote: I started feeding all my birds ff a couple of months ago. They love it! When I bring it out you'd think they hadn't eaten in a month.
It really is a win-win way to feed your flock. There is sooooo much less waste because they're not scratching half of the feed out onto the floor. I probably use less than half of the feed I used to go through when I fed it dry. FF is much healthier for the flock with its probiotics and all so that's good and they love it. What's not to love? I will say that I have a small flock - 11 birds. I don't know if this would be practical for large flocks.
So, about 4 days ago I was in the chicken pen, and one of the roosters kept following me around. No farther than 5 feet behind me at any time, pitch a fit when I leave kind of follow. A few minutes later, I was foolin' around with a waterer that has been leaking and he attacks my ankle. I didn't get spurred, but he pecked me hard enough to draw blood.

So now, needless to say, we have 4 roosters in their old cage waiting for the freezer. The rest are coming soon, but the cage isn't big enough.

In other news, we found a rat hole in the run, which we filled up and have been watching. We never found an escape hole if he had one. I also have a good picture of 3 hens who stay in a tree about 4 feet off the ground all day, but I think BYC's picture system is down right now.
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