"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Morning all!

We hatched 10 RIRs, 7 Wyandottes, 2 Basque, and a Blue Mille fleur d'Uccle on Sunday/Monday. Busy getting babies into brooders and ready to be sold.

All of my big birds who got moved into new coops last week are quite pleased with their new surroundings. I had 4 girls begin laying after I moved them and they had nests of their own. My silkies/showgirls are getting big enough to begin telling gender. I'd love to post a picture later of the two showgirls- originally named Betty White and Marilyn Monroe--are now Betty White and Rue Paul. Rue Paul has become the dominant male in that pen over silkie boys twice his size. Julie will just have to look away if I post them later. Big disclaimer at the top, perhaps?

I am anxiously awaiting my peas from Terri once they hatch. I'll be on pins and needles once they make it to lockdown.

Anyone interested in getting the birds Terri is offering will not be disappointed. I have two of her hens and those girls are friendly, curious, good foragers, and lay daily.

Lol, about posting Silkie pics. I have a question about Silkie roosters. We have 2 that I believe are roosters(one I know is for sure). So the one is already crowing and is bigger and has a fair amount of rooster-ish behavior. He is not aggressive towards us but he will square off with the other ones for sure. He is a blue, but has a bit of some buff coloring showing through on the back of his neck. I doubt you could see it in a photo, just with the naked eye. The second one I have not SEEN him crow, but his face sure looks like he is. He is smaller and seems more mild mannered. But that may change once he gets more sexually mature. So the question is.......which one should I keep? This is our first go round with Silkies and we are not going to keep 2 roosters. I do enjoy the funny crowing and my girls would really enjoy it if they did have babies someday. I just don't know if it is preferable to have a slower maturing, smaller rooster. Or a faster maturing, slightly larger rooster.

I am hoping someone that has had experience with Silkies can give me insight. Even though I just have a backyard flock I would not want to breed with a rooster that would give us inferior babies.
So yesterday evening at dusk I did my end of the day rounds gathering late layed eggs and making sure everyone was accounted for an in their place when I looked over the last coop. Everything seemed in order and that's when my husband came up behind and gave an exclamation of shock. "What's that behind you?!" At this point its pretty dark. I turned around and saw ... nothing. My husband pointed to the low hanging branch, so thin it didn't look strong enough to support a sparrow. More like a super long twig. I still didn't see it... until it swooped off to a different tree. There was an OWL 3 FEET FROM MY HEAD. Even when he flew off, I never heard so much as a flutter. I didn't realize until I got inside that he wasn't just behind me... he was lined up with my coop door! THAT DIRTY SNEAK! He was hoping I'd open that door! And there I was worried about snakes skulking about! I should have been looking up!
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Good morning all. I hope that everyone had a great weekend.

Pea and guinea eggs went on lockdown yesterday. Hatch day is Wednesday. Looks like 3 of the 4 pea eggs are fertile. Looks like all of the guinea eggs are fertile. I think I have 16 guinea eggs in there.

My neighbor came over this weekend and wanted to me go over to their yard to show me something. Well, this is the something that he wanted me to see. I have a guinea that is setting on about 30+ eggs under his swing.
She was on the nest for a while but we upset her and she got off and ran back home. She finally went back to the nest later on after we left the area.

Oh my gosh!
That's a whole lotta eggs for one girl.

Lol, about posting Silkie pics. I have a question about Silkie roosters. We have 2 that I believe are roosters(one I know is for sure). So the one is already crowing and is bigger and has a fair amount of rooster-ish behavior. He is not aggressive towards us but he will square off with the other ones for sure. He is a blue, but has a bit of some buff coloring showing through on the back of his neck. I doubt you could see it in a photo, just with the naked eye. The second one I have not SEEN him crow, but his face sure looks like he is. He is smaller and seems more mild mannered. But that may change once he gets more sexually mature. So the question is.......which one should I keep? This is our first go round with Silkies and we are not going to keep 2 roosters. I do enjoy the funny crowing and my girls would really enjoy it if they did have babies someday. I just don't know if it is preferable to have a slower maturing, smaller rooster. Or a faster maturing, slightly larger rooster.

I am hoping someone that has had experience with Silkies can give me insight. Even though I just have a backyard flock I would not want to breed with a rooster that would give us inferior babies.
I originally had 5 silkie chicks of which 3 turned out to be roos. I had the same dilemma but decided to wait until I really needed to make a decision (like fighting or something) and, boy, am I glad I did. In the end, my decision was made for me when a raccoon got 2 of the 3. I'm not saying that will happen to you but more that you might not want to rush to any decisions just yet. Let it rock along for a while and see how things progress.

So yesterday evening at dusk I did my end of the day rounds gathering late layed eggs and making sure everyone was accounted for an in their place when I looked over the last coop. Everything seemed in order and that's when my husband came up behind and gave an exclamation of shock. "What's that behind you?!" At this point its pretty dark. I turned around and saw ... nothing. My husband pointed to the low hanging branch, so thin it didn't look strong enough to support a sparrow. More like a super long twig. I still didn't see it... until it swooped off to a different tree. There was an OWL 3 FEET FROM MY HEAD. Even when he flew off, I never heard so much as a flutter. I didn't realize until I got inside that he wasn't just behind me... he was lined up with my coop door! THAT DIRTY SNEAK! He was hoping I'd open that door! And there I was worried about snakes skulking about! I should have been looking up!
They're brave scoundrels aren't they?
This past Sunday I was standing in my backyard with a friend looking at the flock and talking about them. It was early afternoon and all of a sudden a Ms Kite swoops in and goes claws first into the upper level hardware cloth on the new coop I built to house 3 chicks and a duckling. We weren't more than 15-20 ft from it!
Thank goodness the coop did it's job and protected my babies.
Holey poop! Has anyone else ever see bug like this. First one was in my truck while driving, freaked out. Look like a cross between a fly, mosquito and wasp lol. Researched it and is commonly called a robber fly. They feed on wasp and bees and other insects. Check it out on Wiki http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asilidae. Theya little over an inch long
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Very neat. Haven't seen one before. My kids are always catching critters for me to look up on the internet. Here's the million dollar question... Do they eat mosquitoes?

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