"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

We had another encounter with that huge raccoon this evening. I always look out the back window and check the lock before going to bed. When I moved the blind he was right outside the door. The cats had not finished their dinner, so he was helping out with that. That thing is huge. Maybe I'm being a girl about it, but he is kind of scary. We are plotting ways to take care of him/her. Snare, try the trap again.......I'm just glad all my hens are locked up tight.
Sounds as if you need my version of (live) traps here, mine are the Deluxe model Catahoula catchalls(3 of them) esp. anything that has fur on it in this area besides them. LOL from mice to big big cats and coon to beavers which are b@d@$$ they were trained over in the Atchafalya river bottom to learn how to survive in the worst of conditions gators and all in other words they were throwed out to the wolfs and had to fend and find for themselves they ate a lot of crawfish and pecans in between their catches and kills for meat. I rescued them from those harsh conditions and they are some of the best dogs I ever had or ever saw. They really appreciate and obey me they know who the provider is. BJ he's still in training but doing a fine job at learning from the elders Granny/Two socks(given name), She responds to Granny round here, BJ's mom and an excellent catcher/killer and trainer to her boy to carry on the traditions/hunting expeditions LOL Scrapper dog(aka.Scrappy,which he is and he love his scraps too LOL) Grannies full brother and is shown here with his proud kill and his evidence he does earn his keep around the place. He caught the "posssum" while tied up on that 5 ft. lead one night and defured him just to make sure if it was playing possum and did crawl off later it would most likely die of exposure without its coat on, LOL I sent this picture to folks showing my dog had captured an elusive chupacabra, HUH? LOL Jeff Chupacabra? can you see it LOL This is Lilly BJs full sister she still lives over at Simmesport she is a good catcher/killer too they all got it honestly/genetically
LOVE the pics of the doggies. Great hunters. I may have to borrow them for the weekend. :)
Yeppers! It sure is!

O ok then I stand corrected it doesn't look orange to me it looks more maroon/burgundey hued on my screen but too what was I thinking she surely wouldn't let  biddies poop all over on of those beloved UofL jerseys, noway.LOL


Naw, I really don't have a favorite team or anything like that. However, I do like Team J. - - - ->Team Julie). :lau
O ok then I stand corrected it doesn't look orange to me it looks more maroon/burgundey hued on my screen but too what was I thinking she surely wouldn't let  biddies poop all over on of those beloved UofL jerseys, noway.LOL


Lol.. They are maroon. I used to like the Astros. They are pretty bad now tho. I've lost all hope. Biggio was an awesome baseball player tho. His entire career was spent with the Astros.
Yes great hunters, well sometimes too great. Grannie had me up at 2 AM hunting coons this morning I'm still sleepy from all that goings on LOL


I could pair them up with my feral cats and they can hunt rats/mice. This year is the first year that I seem to have a few critters visiting between the hours of 9:00 PM - midnight. So, I have had to take out the high powered pellet gun and commence to hunting. I kinda like rat hunting. Makes me feel "empowered". :lau

Desparate times call for desparate measures. When I have to take out the Winchester, I mean business. My family calls me Annie Oakley. :gig
O ok then I stand corrected it doesn't look orange to me it looks more maroon/burgundey hued on my screen but too what was I thinking she surely wouldn't let  biddies poop all over on of those beloved UofL jerseys, noway.LOL


Lol.. They are maroon. I used to like the Astros. They are pretty bad now tho. I've lost all hope. Biggio was an awesome baseball player tho. His entire career was spent with the Astros.

Baseball is my favorite sport. :thumbsup
Oh now ya'll are making me want to move even more!!! Big dogs and guns!!! We can't use guns in town here obviously. But hubby took us 3 girls out practice shooting for Fathers Day and I did pretty good. I would totally be up for some late night with night vision goggles and a gun :) And I am originally a city girl from the North. I think I have been assimilated :D.

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