"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

K everybody that is curious about my adventures in caponing, 6 went very well with no real issues. 1 after to many cuts and no testes found was glued back together. 1 only had 1 removed because I made a bad cut. Next week after healing I will reattempt him
so far so good for my first go round. It did get easier with each one I did.
So what do duck eggs taste like anyway??

When the Dr realized I had hardly any B12 I started looking at what foods were high in it. Duck eggs are WAY up there with lots of B12 in them. Inglewood farms is close to me an is supposed to have some soon. I am trying to do foods that are high in the B12 along with the shots. But I usually don't eat the foods that were top of the list. I am just wondering if I can handle the taste. I guess I could bake with them though.
So what do duck eggs taste like anyway??

When the Dr realized I had hardly any B12 I started looking at what foods were high in it. Duck eggs are WAY up there with lots of B12 in them. Inglewood farms is close to me an is supposed to have some soon. I am trying to do foods that are high in the B12 along with the shots. But I usually don't eat the foods that were top of the list. I am just wondering if I can handle the taste. I guess I could bake with them though.

Most of the time if you scramble the eggs they are more tollerable to the pallet if one has a problem eating stronger flavored foods of course like anything in due time one usually could develop a taste for such differences I'd figure

K everybody that is curious about my adventures in caponing, 6 went very well with no real issues. 1 after to many cuts and no testes found was glued back together. 1 only had 1 removed because I made a bad cut. Next week after healing I will reattempt him
so far so good for my first go round. It did get easier with each one I did.

The one boy maybe a late bloomer and not developed fully yet, I've butchered quite a few chickens in my day and find a lot of times cockerels of the same ages will have drastic differences in testes size even though they are all the same age. Shows how the pecking order is usually domineered by the ones with the higher testosterone/hormone levels.

Duck eggs are ok but not my favorite. They have a strong taste but not a bad taste though. I have a customer that is deadly allergic to chicken eggs, so she loads up on my duck eggs. Her health has done 180 in terms of her skin is clear, her hair is growing, no more allergies and a few other things that she mentioned. All of that because she started eating duck eggs. Duck eggs are great for baking. I have 3 bakers that buy my duck eggs every week. I'm sure you will enjoy them. Oh, you need satan's pitch fork to scramble them. Those are some mean eggs when it comes.to scrambling them.
The one boy maybe a late bloomer and not developed fully yet, I've butchered quite a few chickens in my day and find a lot of times cockerels of the same ages will have drastic differences in testes size even though they are all the same age. Shows how the pecking order is usually domineered by the ones with the higher testosterone/hormone levels.

That does explain it I believe. I was curious because he had the biggest and brightest comb and wattles of all of them. He was even trying to crow at 4 weeks.

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