Lump on chicken's face under eye *UPDATED with picture*

I have a hen that has that same lump on her eye and I was wondering if you ever found out what the problem was, if it was just a cyst or...? She just has the lump and no other symptoms. I would appreciate any information on it that you have, so I know if I need to worry or not

My blue Orpington has hers for a couple weeks. She's completely healthy and active in every other way. She eats, drinks and lays just fine. From what I've read it's common in the breed and not a lot can be done.

My blue Orpington has hers for a couple weeks. She's completely healthy and active in every other way. She eats, drinks and lays just fine. From what I've read it's common in the breed and not a lot can be done.

I know this is an old post but did you ever find out what this was on her eye? I have a copper maran with the exact lump.
Most times swelling around the eye means a respiratory disease--MG (CRD), coryza, ILT, ect. Look for clear bubbles inside the eye, nasal drainage, eye drainage or crusting, sneezing,and noisy gurgling while breathing. There may only be one symptom. She could have a cyst too. Here is a link to click on for info about diseases and symptoms:
I clicked on the link and it said I’m not authorized to see it. I need to be logged in. I don’t have a login for that.

We've got a Buff Orpington hen who is 2+ years old. Recently she has developed a big spot under one eye. It is a big, swollen bubble. We've been keeping an eye on it & I am certain that it did go away briefly but is very obviously there again. None of our other birds have anything like that that I have seen.

I've been trying for a while to find anything online about this & the closest I come is Fowl Pox. However, everything I've found on fowl pox says that they will be big scabby lesions & this definitely is not. It also looks nothing like the pictures I have seen of fowl pox either & I can only find this one spot.

The only other symptom she has is some feather loss around her neck. I'm not sure if that is relate to the bump or molting?

I am not opposed to taking her to a vet but I don't know that anyone here will be able to help us. I live in a pretty rural area & as far as I know, nobody has any avian specific training.

Any ideas what this might be or what I should do with her?

*****The picture above shows the lump I am talking about. The only other thing I notice going on with her is some feather loss around her neck. I don't know if it is related or part of her molting. To me it doesn't not look like any of the Fowl Pox pictures I have seen. My main concern is whether or not she is sick & could pass whatever this is on to my other hens.
My chicken has one of these! I don’t know what to do.

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