Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Ha! I'm back, although regular hospital visits may yet knock me out of the game, all going well I'll be setting 24 experimental coloured brahmas this Easter. I got going on some assorted colours last year, and am busy seprating the girls until they lay and then putting them back with the big man, Leafy, again for the day. Just so I can label each one with their starting colour. So, after three years of breeding, I now finally have a good idea what the colour make up is in each one. Long long road, but this year I'll finally see if my plans are working (evil laugh!)

Hope everyone is doing well, have been offline for a LOOOOOOOONG time. Incubators being pulled from hibernation as we speak for a week's trial shortly. May even have a go at making one - I have one with a dodgy thermostat that I can buther. I feel a cabinet in the making here, my husband will KILL me.
Ha! I'm back, although regular hospital visits may yet knock me out of the game, all going well I'll be setting 24 experimental coloured brahmas this Easter. I got going on some assorted colours last year, and am busy seprating the girls until they lay and then putting them back with the big man, Leafy, again for the day. Just so I can label each one with their starting colour. So, after three years of breeding, I now finally have a good idea what the colour make up is in each one. Long long road, but this year I'll finally see if my plans are working (evil laugh!)

Hope everyone is doing well, have been offline for a LOOOOOOOONG time. Incubators being pulled from hibernation as we speak for a week's trial shortly. May even have a go at making one - I have one with a dodgy thermostat that I can buther. I feel a cabinet in the making here, my husband will KILL me.

Welcome back to BYC and to the Hatch!!
So glad I had extra wood from when I built the grow out pens or I don't know what I would have done. Guess I need to buy some to have on hand for emergencies like this.
I'm still alive and I scared the burglar off before he could take anything...

... and my son is home after being gone for 25 months.
Yay for DS being home Be careful! You never know who or what you are walking in on... Glad everything worked out and all is well (relatively speaking)
Ha! I'm back, although regular hospital visits may yet knock me out of the game, all going well I'll be setting 24 experimental coloured brahmas this Easter. I got going on some assorted colours last year, and am busy seprating the girls until they lay and then putting them back with the big man, Leafy, again for the day. Just so I can label each one with their starting colour. So, after three years of breeding, I now finally have a good idea what the colour make up is in each one. Long long road, but this year I'll finally see if my plans are working (evil laugh!)

Hope everyone is doing well, have been offline for a LOOOOOOOONG time. Incubators being pulled from hibernation as we speak for a week's trial shortly. May even have a go at making one - I have one with a dodgy thermostat that I can buther. I feel a cabinet in the making here, my husband will KILL me.

Welcome back :frow

I'm begining to feel the need for a cabinet bator too. scroll back a few pages and there are photos of one made from a kitchen cabinet that looks rather easy to duplicate. Like you, I live too far for things to be shipped easily.

Good luck with the hatch!

On my iPad I can click the green "Thumbs-up" but can't click the "Add to Reputation" button to complete the 'like'. But I get on my laptop and it all works perfectly.

That must mean I need more coffee.

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Ok, apparently I was in Venezuela over night. It was a fun, albeit, short trip.

I got back home to Alaska in time to feed the animals, I mean teenagers :)

is there any other way to do this
I would love 100 post per page

Critterrun, the only way is to have a platinum membership like Kathy said.
Mahonri, so glad you are OK. Please wait for the police to arrive first next time. You never know who/what you might run in to. My brother works in an ER in Phoenix and has told me stories about some of the people you do not want to run in to. Please be careful!
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I would like to join the easter hatch challenge as well. However, I am going to have to find some eggs to hatch. My hens are *grumble grumble* on Winter strike.

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