Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

All right, I'm signed up. There are so many posts on here I just made random guesses as to what Mahonri is hatching. This should be fun :)
I would like to join the easter hatch challenge as well. However, I am going to have to find some eggs to hatch. My hens are *grumble grumble* on Winter strike.
I would like to join in on the fun. Just spent two hours reading through all of the posts. This really is a crazy bunch, but full of great info. I have picked up a lot of helpful tips already.

This will be my very first hatch so hopefully I won't bug you all too much. I plan on setting Blue Andalusians and hopefully some splash Sumatras. Not sure how many at this point.

I know the undie contest is over, but wolftracks was my recruiter
I'm in! I'll be using broodies, but since I have silkies and several other broody breeds, I'm not too worried.
I am in! Not sure what we'll set, but I am praying to the Fertile Egg Gods to send us what we need.

You are in for a great time! Don't be afraid to ask questions, that's what "peeps" are for, helping us out when we need it!!

Oh wow, hi! How are you?

So, it looks like I have to say what I'm hatching... partridge silkies, possibly splash rosecombs (they haven't started laying yet, but I hope they will before the setting date,) bantam RIR, and assorted EE from the laying hen pen (which has a lovely wheaton ameraucana rooster in.)
Ok, I will ask a question regarding fan forced hatching. I have two Genesis 1588' sitting next to each other. One is the new version(This is big design change from the old on. There is the addition of the Digital display of Humidity, Temp and a way to control the temp from the display instead of with switches. The water tray and top are different too. The vent hole is smaller).

Ok, the questions:

Someone said you should not let humidity go below 20 or 30 for fan forced. Any experience with using dry hatch in the Genesis 1588? Any specific tips on this one with an egg turner?

Should I unplug the vent hole? Instructions say to leave it in unless you are above 6000 feet.

I will be setting Dorking Eggs tomorrow and the report is that they are even hard to hatch with non-delivered eggs.

I'm in! Definitely be setting RIR's and NH's - and hoping to find some Buff Orpington eggs to add to our flock before the set date as well. Looking forward to the Easter Hatch-a-Long this year! This will be my first one..
My second lav AM pullet started laying a few days ago. Nice blue egg too, but she's smaller than my other LF lavs. I hope I get lots of her eggs and the next generation grows much bigger and the color stays like these.
I'm in! Definitely be setting RIR's and NH's - and hoping to find some Buff Orpington eggs to add to our flock before the set date as well. Looking forward to the Easter Hatch-a-Long this year! This will be my first one..

There are many great Buff Orpington breeders on BYC. You should be able to find some eggs in plenty of time!!

I just finalized (meaning paid for
) arrangements to set:

12 B/B/S Orps
12 BC Marans

AND................18 REAL Araucanas!!!

Still haven't heard if I'll have turkey eggs to set on the 10th.


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