Maiden Voyage of the coolerbator


11 Years
Jan 15, 2009
Northern Cali
I got the bug and decided to build a coolerbator. This will be my first time incubating.
I made the light bulb/water heater thermostat version. I may have damaged the thermostat when modifying it. When I tested it thoughI was getting 4 degree temp swings minimum so that wasn't going to work.

I ordered a cheap digital controller the MH1210 off ebay and while I waited for that to arrive I scrounged up a crock pot element.

I did add a strip of aluminum foil along the cage so the heating strip wasn't blasting the eggs directly with heat.

I was dreaming of an elaborate turning system but found when I put an egg carton in, it sat at almost the perfect tilt so I'll just spin the cartons around. I punched a pencil sized hole in the bottom of each egg pocket so their is air flow around the bottom of the egg.

I'm really Eggcited about the eggs I got. They are a barnyard mix but one of the roos was a beautiful blue arucana and some of the hens were arucana as well. I should be able to separate the blue eggs and hopfully get some pure arucana as well, EE's at worst. :) The other roo they has was a jersey giant so hopefully I'll be able to separate them young.

I set eggs on the 7th and spent two days tweaking it. The digital controller's logic is sort of odd but I think I have it worked out. I'm getting a temperature gradient but right now it seems to be holding at 99.7 on one end and 101 at the other. Humidity is holding at 30-40%. I'm shifting the cartons so they cycle through the zones. My fan is not super strong or I haven't figured out the best position for it, but for now everything seems to be holding temp but I don't know how well it is circulating. The fan is pointing strait up at the lid blowing over the heating strip.

I will update as I go thanks for checking in.
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At day 7 I can see viens in about 27 eggs. A couple were too dark to see through and some may have just been clears. I left them all in to be sure, I want a better candles light.
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Candling random eggs and I dropped one of the good ones. Quickly did a search here and soon was dripping candle wax over the cracks. 12 more days hopefully they all make it.
This is the 2nd time my water went dry and my temperature started swinging around.

Candled tonight took out six unfertalized. There were a couple welsummer eggs I couldn't quite see in but left them in.
Lockdown initiated I only dumped the one egg I cracked and sealed up with wax as it seems to have stopped developing. 29 in we'll see how many come out.

I put in some wet napkins and a sponge but it right now my humidity is 45% need to get it up a little higher.
The hatch went great! Ended up with 21/29 eggs over 70%. I'm quite happy with that for my first time! I'm ready to clean it out and go again.

One thing to note is that the screen that kept the fan / heating element enclosed had about 3/4in gap between that and the lid. One of the chicks some how made it up and over that. It didn't make it. I will be sure to fix that before the next try.

Over all it works great everyone should make one.


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